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Started by routemaster at 25,Feb,25 09:06  other posts of routemaster
Sad news yesterday, Roberta passed away in New York on Sunday, 23rd February, two weeks after her 88th birthday although I didn't think she was as old as that. A classically-trained pianist, I remember (and this is unintentional) the first time I heard "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" and "Killing Me Softly" which both knocked me sideways. Please spare a moment or two to remember her today, thank you. R.I.P.

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New Comment

By CAT52! at 26,Feb,25 19:19 other posts of CAT52! 
I was very sorry when I learned of her passing. I Loved her songs. Still do and have them on my YouTube mixes.

By Biguyfrfun at 26,Feb,25 10:14 other posts of Biguyfrfun 
So Sad to see another great artist passing. Thank you for the memories Roberta, RIP.

By routemaster at 26,Feb,25 09:25 other posts of routemaster 
Thank you all, for your comments

By tb1 at 26,Feb,25 09:04 other posts of tb1 
Rest in Peace, Roberta

By t-rex at 25,Feb,25 10:29 other posts of t-rex 
R.I.P. you are loved !!

By stroker11 at 25,Feb,25 09:46 other posts of stroker11 
Saw her at early 60s. As you mentioned, her sound and talent was magnificent! My she rest in peace.

By pornlover59 at 25,Feb,25 09:09 other posts of pornlover59 
TY Routemaster,loved her music too.

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