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Started by #693756 at 26,May,23 02:03
Let's talk about deepthroating.

Tell us about your favorite deepthroating tips and techniques. Or favorite stories? Like how do you fit a thicker cock back there without gagging issues? Do you do a longer back-and-forth from head to base or do you go closer to the base for shorter back and forth? How far can you get a cock down your throat? I think I can do about 7-8".

Similar topics: 1.Deepthroating   2.Do you close your eyes?   3.My cock is great for deepthroating, so I've been told. Comments? ultimate fantasy   5.The art of deepthroating cocks:...  

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By #719542 at 17,Aug,24 01:09
Member wirda is a fake profile that is being run by this man 👇 presenting the profile as female with his revenge porn.

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For all the details & FACTS regarding this case tap the following link:

👉 /forum/thread.php?id=31497&p=1#t675825 👈

Fake Ref No:FA0010.

By Sfax#17 at 17,May,24 04:13 other posts of Sfax#17 
It depends on the cock. If he's six inches or less, you can train yourself to take his cock down past your tonsils right into your throat.Your esophagus will then begin to involuntarily react to his cock. And it will feel quite stimulating. But he'll come in your throat and not your mouth. So if you want him to come in yor mouth you have to tell when he's going to come, and let it slide up so he ejaculates in your mouth. You'll love it and so will he.

By WHATSUPDOC at 10,May,24 20:39 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
I've never deep throated but I was told the best way to get started this just like get him good and hard and have bim just slam that right down your throat feel like bypass the gag reflex make sense.

By Lvphose at 03,May,24 00:45 other posts of Lvphose 

By #688177 at 23,Apr,24 13:42
I have never taken a cock in my mouth. But Have given deep throat, I love to hold it in deep and hard, have them looking into my eyes as I hold it there, when I feel the time is right pull out and watch gasps of air and then push deep in again.
TRUST is a big thing & it's why they look into my eyes at all times.

By Jamie at 23,Apr,24 12:53 other posts of Jamie 
Looks like the poster choke and die on 7 to 8 inches of cock.

By skyking at 23,Apr,24 12:45 other posts of skyking 
I'll share my technique.....
Laying on my back,my head tilting back over the edge of the throat naturally take a cock all the way. Popping the head into my throat quickly,eliminates a gag reflex....and men really like "face fucking". out the timing for catching a breath!. Susan

By #690553 at 22,Apr,24 15:19
Practice makes perfect

I start off slow by licking and sucking the cock all over once I have a feel for it

After that I go all the way down and if I can’t touch the base just yet, I stick my tongue so I can. It motivates me to go down even further. Once it’s ready there I go for back and forth from head to base and when he’s ready to cum then I get closer to the base

By #711401 at 21,Apr,24 14:42
I love sucking cocks but, sadly, have never been able to deep-throat. I must have the worst gag-reflex on the planet.

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