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Started by AusDevilMan at 08,Jul,23 15:46  other posts of AusDevilMan
I have always been heterosexual, always had girlfriends and now married. I love to see cocks in porn and get very turned on by the idea of touching and tasting a cock. I don’t know if I tell me wife and I’m not sure what to do

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New Comment

By thicknsmooth at 14,Jul,23 02:20 other posts of thicknsmooth 
If I were you, I would keep it a total secret. After all this is an itch that you have and your own curiosity. If I were you I would secretly join an app like sniffles and post a pic and explain what type of guys you’re looking for and what you are looking for. Once you find a guy you’re interested in, get a hotel room somewhere and meet up with him and explore the experience you’re looking for. That’s what I would do. Then take it from there. Just remember it’s a really hot experience and it may leave you craving some dick. There is nothing like sucking on some cock and balls. Also you will quickly see that a guy can suck you’re cock like it’s never been sucked before

By dhood at 08,Jul,23 22:06 other posts of dhood 
I wouldn't tell my wife. Unless your are positive that she would be into seeing you with another man, keep your desires to yourself.
By #691730 at 14,Jul,23 01:35
Good advice

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