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Wet dreams later in life

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Started by BigDaddy132 at 18,Jul,23 02:47  other posts of BigDaddy132
Wet dreams are pretty common in the teen years. Anyone ever had one in their late 20’s? I think I was 28 or 29. Had a dream about fucking a hot granny( a fantasy of mine), so erotic and realistic I came , and it actually woke me up.

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By #699038 at 31,Jul,23 13:33
I have had one or two here an there sorta didnt think that would still happen but nice to wake up a bit messy

By #514663 at 30,Jul,23 14:24
I've never had one sadly. I started masturbating pretty young before I could ejaculate, never was able to hold off enough to need to release during sleep

By nekekal at 28,Jul,23 17:14 other posts of nekekal 
I have never had one. I have masturbated a lot my whole life and so have had no frustrating build up of cum. If I wake up with a hard on, I just masturbate.

By #662360 at 18,Jul,23 21:12
I used to have wet dreams in my teens and twenties, waking with my bedclothes wet with semen. These days I sometimes dream about sex or naked women or men but I don’t normally spurt any semen. I often wake with a stiff morning erection but it goes soft quickly.

By LGA6969 at 18,Jul,23 21:07 other posts of LGA6969 
I use to have them even in my 20's not so much now. Usually wake up to morning wood.

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