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Having a baby? - I'm coward in front of my wife

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Started by #149545 at 30,Dec,24 19:11
After miscarriage, my opinion about having children changed. I don't want children. I don't want this pressure on me - responsibilities, finances, physical and mental effort, giving up my dreams and and slow life. Additionally, if we had a child, we will move to my parents in-law house. This involves living next door to my in-laws and renovating their house. We have just bought our house and we would sell it and use the money to renovate another house. I don't want to spend the next few years renovating house again. This house will be ours - legally but i'm worried i will never feel free there as we will live with my parents in law and help them when they need as they getting older. I dont want to give up my current life to live on lower standard of life with parents in law. My wife want to move when we have a baby but if we dont have a baby she prefer staying in our current house as it is better standard. My wife doesn't know that I've changed my mind about baby and dont want her to know (I'm scared to admit it). I know that she will understand and accept my decision, but I don't want to feel the pressure in my head that it's because of me that we live the life we live, that it's my fault for depriving my wife of her dreams. I'm a neurotic person and I analyze everything, I worry about everything - it would lead to my mental problems and too much guiltly. I prefer that the lack of children results from the fact that this is how it is - that it doesn't work out for us. It happends - life - we tried but no results. Therefore, to avoid this, i fake orgasms in front of his wife while trying for a baby. she thinks i ejaculate inside her but i dont actually ejaculate, so we don't get pregnant. I feel soo bad knowing that im lying to her, but I don't have the courage to admit that I don't want children anymore. but on the other hand, my mental health and my comfort are also important. and over time, my wife will accept this situation and maybe we will find joy in life without children and in a place we like.

Similar topics: 1.BABY MAKING   2.Had my 1st negative experience on SYD today.   3.Sleeping naked   4.WIFE SHARING   5.i enjoy a man fuck my wife in front of me  

New Comment

By Tempp at 05,Jan,25 23:35 other posts of Tempp 
By #149545 at 06,Jan,25 18:29
By Tempp at 08,Jan,25 00:21 other posts of Tempp 
You have conflicts of interest, things you haven’t shared with your wife, and mental health issues that you wrestle with. A counselor can help you come to terms and work out the issues that you are struggling with. If nothing else, youwill get an understanding of your emotions.

BTW, I would be surprised if your wife didn’t know you were faking your orgasms.

By PITBULL at 01,Jan,25 22:15 other posts of PITBULL 
Your only option.......SUICIDE and do it soon
By #149545 at 02,Jan,25 09:28
I was thinking about this but i can live with that situation do wouldn't do that.
By PITBULL at 03,Jan,25 00:57 other posts of PITBULL 
get your balls cut-off
By Jamie at 03,Jan,25 03:15 other posts of Jamie 
By Sir-Skittles at 05,Jan,25 16:27 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
By #149545 at 05,Jan,25 17:20

By Sir-Skittles at 31,Dec,24 17:31 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
What a whiny little cunt you are!

Do you sit alone and cry after sex petting your cat?

What kind of man fakes an orgasm!
By Cody8789 at 31,Dec,24 23:23 other posts of Cody8789 
You shouldn’t have kids anyway, your not in the right mind to be able to take care of them nor do you have the patience to have kids, leave the kids to someone that wants kids and could give them a good life and give them all the love that they would need, I want kids and I want to get married. Let me know if your wife wants kids, maybe I can help her out
By Jamie at 01,Jan,25 03:11 other posts of Jamie 

By Sir-Skittles at 01,Jan,25 15:04 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
By #149545 at 02,Jan,25 19:53
Sad but you absolutely right.

By BirdDog at 03,Jan,25 05:42 other posts of BirdDog 

By WizzaStick at 01,Jan,25 00:12 other posts of WizzaStick 
Mmm, As a Justice of the SYD Court, I have come to the conclusion that you have a mental issue, how I came to this conclusion is you have posted about your life, and the fact you mention children on a Porn Site.....

Due to your Mental or Spastic illness, It is of my opinion as a Justice of SYD, and to maintain the site Rules under section 1 (2.4). 5 (1.1, 1.9), 7 (6.10, 20.1) the Presiding Justices can lawfully Identify you as a (whiny little cunt) and that Sir-Skittles J. is not out of line or order.

The mentioned sections of the SYD Site Rules also allow you to be Attacked at any time without any reason, this is due to that, a condom would have prevented a CUNT like you.

It is on the Courts opinion, that your parents also need Kicks in their CUNTS for having a CUNT and not having a termination.

In the delivery of this order, you are to consider, what if your parents done the same to you.

Presiding Justices:
Sir-Slittles CJ
Cody8789 J
Pittball J
WizzaStick J
White_Mamba J

The SYD Court with the presiding Supreme Justices have Ruled YOUR A CUNT.

Outcome of Hearing held 31/12/2024

You are to allow a public attack in main chat;
Your required to buy all 3 Justices a gift each of 100 in value;
Reframe from posting in posting any other stupid CUNTY posts;
Reframe from posting about ANYTHING.
Presiding Justices of the SYD court also orders, that you be Castrated to prevent another American whiny little cunt you are.
By Sir-Skittles at 01,Jan,25 15:04 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

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