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Playing with your cum/precum while masturbating?

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Started by #701443 at 20,Sep,23 00:56
Does anyone play with their precum while masturbating (or cum after masturbating)?

I get bored sometimes so wondering if there's any fun ways to play with it x

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New Comment

By neednopants at 04,Oct,23 05:31 other posts of neednopants 
It is great to play with it. Stimulating the prostate produces plenty of juice, not always, but mostly, and I love to cream my cock with it or taste it. I have been working a lot on ruined orgasms too. So I am able to "cum" without orgasm with sperm runnig out of my cock, into my hand or into a glass or on a spoon. Great taste !
By #701443 at 06,Oct,23 11:52
teach me how x

By #699038 at 04,Oct,23 17:20
I love rubbing precum over my head and up an down shaft sometimes taste it as it usual sweet as

By gayguy at 04,Oct,23 07:54 other posts of gayguy 
I mop it up with my fingers & lick/swallow it

By MojoMan77 at 20,Sep,23 18:14 other posts of MojoMan77 
I definitly do. Especially my precum

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