Recent Posts of member Cody8789


By Cody8789 at 26,Jul,24 23:48
I just spent 42 thousand on a new roof because my roof was 17 years old and my insurance company wouldn’t cover my house after a 15 year old roof. I also pay 10,400.00 a year on my homeowners ins. My house is paid off so I really don’t have to hold ins on my house but living in s. Florida where we get a lot of hurricanes I felt I need it. I don’t need flood ins. Because I’m not in a flood zone do to increased elevation when the home was built.

By Cody8789 at 26,Jul,24 23:24
Woohoo, thank you to the three people that voted for me
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Sorry I haven’t responded in four days, I was out of town.

By Cody8789 at 23,Jul,24 22:02
Secret service are supposed to be the best we have, how can they get relaxed to the point that not only the three buildings were not secure, but neither was the water tower, come on s.s. Do your job and stop putting the blame on the local police.

By Cody8789 at 23,Jul,24 21:56
I heard Joe just tested negative, and I also heard netan will be coming to Florida to visit trump at his house, mara logo (spelling)

By Cody8789 at 23,Jul,24 15:33
Ahhh, sherryann, you stated to everyone that I deleted you from your friends list, I deleted you because you deleted me, so why would I leave you on my friends list if you deleted me first. I wasn’t trying to be cruel, I figured you didn’t want to be friends with me so I only did what you did to me first.

By Cody8789 at 23,Jul,24 10:01
I don’t like any of the three, trump, Biden, or Harris, a matter of fact, there’s no one on any side I would vote for, but I never have been rude to anyone about who they like, doesn’t mean I have to be hated because I don’t like any politicians. I don’t dislike anyone because of who they like. Everyone has the right to vote for who they want and I respect their choice, I don’t dislike anyone who likes trump or Biden so why get mad at me. Bella, sometimes I just don’t understand people. And like phart said, if they don’t like me it’s no great loss to me. I know dgraff likes to get bid3n lovers mad and I think that’s funny the way he gets them going I like dgraff no matter who he votes for, I like skittles no matter who he votes for, but like you say, people are just so wacko over politics.

By Cody8789 at 23,Jul,24 04:09
What I say isn’t always correct but it’s my opinion,see,,, I can hold an intelligent conversation with phart and dgraff and we still love each other. I hold them both as close friends

By Cody8789 at 23,Jul,24 01:53
.you have to admit it, Joe is not in the right state of mind to be running anything.
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I have to say this,,, you all know my dislike of politics and all that are running for office, I just say my opinion and with respect, that I don’t like any politicians, but after I state my dislike for them all, certain members feel the need to unfriend me because of my beliefs and opinions,,, which I’m not being disrespectful to anyone. You people that unfriended me, you lost a good friend. I can care less. Seems like you all can’t hold an intelligent conversation without throwing punches. Get a life,,, politics don’t control the person that I am and everyone has the right to like who they want without rocks being thrown at them. Makes me laugh and makes me realize they were truly not my friend from the beginning.

By Cody8789 at 23,Jul,24 01:51
It’s too early to assume who will be pres. It’s a guess, not a fact. No matter who wins, i really dont care. Remember, its not the american voters that put a president in office, its the electoral votes.

By Cody8789 at 23,Jul,24 00:10
Wow, I’m really not a Biden fan and I found quite a few things Biden had done for the American people too many to post. If you google and verify like I did, you will see what he has accomplished. As has most presidents do. Even trump has many accomplishments. Anyone can google, but verifying the facts, is just as easy to do. Too bad he couldn’t get the border under control three years ago before the influx of sh!t coming into this country

By Cody8789 at 22,Jul,24 23:53
I dont think so, harris just made 81 million from supporters in the last two days The Biden-Harris campaign could transfer the money over the Democratic party to use in elections, including in support of the new nominee. In other words, if Harris drops out, the money can be transferred to a new person running for pres. Like Hillary, god forbid

By Cody8789 at 22,Jul,24 19:51
No, just un click and reclick the submit button and it will go through.

By Cody8789 at 22,Jul,24 11:56
Your wrong, the money does belong to the democratic party and will be released to who ever gets the nomination which is given to them by the deligates.

By Cody8789 at 20,Jul,24 23:55
Border should have been closed and secured twenty years ago, can’t understand why we can’t train our military on the border instead of putting them under attack in other countries.

By Cody8789 at 20,Jul,24 23:05
No president will ever be prosecuted

By Cody8789 at 20,Jul,24 19:24
Not me, I don’t like a gun pointed at my face, it’s terrifying to me

By Cody8789 at 20,Jul,24 18:48
If it was me, I’d be screaming like a five year old

By Cody8789 at 19,Jul,24 00:27
I live near trump, i know all about him that no one else knows

By Cody8789 at 18,Jul,24 21:08
#275407 was my old account,

By Cody8789 at 17,Jul,24 15:25
That’s bullshit

By Cody8789 at 15,Jul,24 05:10

By Cody8789 at 12,Jul,24 23:10
Kamala not

By Cody8789 at 10,Jul,24 22:06
How classy meeting in a public toilet, thats not for me

By Cody8789 at 10,Jul,24 02:03
Why dont you send a message directly to admin.

By Cody8789 at 10,Jul,24 01:56
It all depend on what the guy looks like, but most women don’t want to see a guy in a thong.

By Cody8789 at 08,Jul,24 05:31

By Cody8789 at 06,Jul,24 04:01
Keb,if you didn’t see it then you don’t vote all all, I guess that means if I didn’t see you shoot someone thst means your innocent even though several members did see it
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Done talking about it, finished

By Cody8789 at 05,Jul,24 22:08
What happened to member “nigga”,

By Cody8789 at 05,Jul,24 21:47
Let me give you all a hypothetical, ok, if a member puts *u,a* porn on there page, then removes it after a complaint is posted does this mean the person can stay because they removed the content. No way in hell, they should be kicked off the site for good.

By Cody8789 at 05,Jul,24 02:39
I’m sure if ananas knew what was posted on her page b4 she removed it he would have deleted her. There was not a picture in question but what she was stating about her sexual preference. So anyone that did not see this, don’t defend her for something you know nothing about. I lost my ability to the abuse panel when I deleted my account after being here for 12 years, I cannot vote in the abuse panel for another year. I believe members are to be here two years b4 they have the ability to use this feature.

By Cody8789 at 04,Jul,24 22:38
I would have voted as delete, even though they removed the content, there is no reason to be posting that disgusting stuff on this site.

By Cody8789 at 04,Jul,24 22:34
Not true, there are some women like that, but don’t stereotype all women saying there money hungry because that’s not true.

By Cody8789 at 04,Jul,24 03:57
I’m not a fan of Joe, but I would never say negative words against an old person, not even trump. Seems alittle harsh
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I actually feel sorry for Biden, I think he should retire and enjoy what’s left of his life.

By Cody8789 at 04,Jul,24 03:49
I have all there pictures in my folders including the ones I took while they were shopping at the Publix on peters rd. And university

By Cody8789 at 30,Jun,24 23:41
I’m dying laughing over here

By Cody8789 at 30,Jun,24 05:37
I would get my sex elsewhere

By Cody8789 at 30,Jun,24 05:35
No wonder my brother goes to Thailand for two months every year

By Cody8789 at 30,Jun,24 05:33
Those fat nasty girls keep the bags of food warm between there legs until it’s delivered

By Cody8789 at 28,Jun,24 19:11
Phart, you should block anonymous from entering your page from outside this site.

By Cody8789 at 28,Jun,24 19:08
I wonder who really is running this country right now, who’s making the important decisions.

By Cody8789 at 28,Jun,24 19:04
Admin is not stating fact, just his opinion. My opinion on more then half of the members on this site are either fake accounts and/or not there own pictures stolen from the internet.

By Cody8789 at 28,Jun,24 14:50
I’ll be bach

By Cody8789 at 28,Jun,24 14:49
Fake account

By Cody8789 at 28,Jun,24 13:24

By Cody8789 at 28,Jun,24 13:10
And I don’t want Kamala, if that’s how you spell her name, in office either.

By Cody8789 at 28,Jun,24 12:50
I think Bidens dog has a better chance of winning, and even though trump won, a lot of republicans don’t want Donald in office either because of all the lying he did on stage. Biden didn’t have time to lie because he slept during most of the debate. Really, is this the best we have to offer. I won’t be standing in long lines next year voting for anyone, I have better things to do.

By Cody8789 at 28,Jun,24 12:44
The answer people on both sides was, “hell no vs oh no” that was said by a republican. What was disturbing was even msnbc commentators replied “ Biden looked lost.

By Cody8789 at 28,Jun,24 06:40
Blame that on the president and opec.

By Cody8789 at 27,Jun,24 23:43
I don’t know about how your auto ins. Works over there, but if a person is using there car to Uber without notifying there auto ins. And they find out, look to be dropped or a major increase in your auto insurance.

By Cody8789 at 27,Jun,24 22:39
In ft,lauderdale the gas prices ar between 3.19-3.35 for regular at most stations, 93 octane, which I use is running about 3.99 a gal. Still sounds cheap compares to prices in Europe and Australia.