| I have to admit a secret fantasy of mine I have had for a long time now. Here goes…… I WANT TO SUCK A REAL MANS COCK FOR 5 HOURS STRAIGHT with the following parameters.
#1 The cock I suck must be bigger than my own.
#2 I suck it for 5 hours straight. No breaks for me.
#3 Every time you cum I must swallow it with a smile and thank you for it, then pay you $50.00 for the pleasure of swallowing your cum.
#4 You tell me exactly how to suck your cock and balls as I am sucking and I have to follow exact dick sucking orders to a t. give me strict dick sucking orders and I must follow them without hesitation.
#5 you record ANYTHING for your personal future use as you see fit. I will even sign my rights away to the video on the spot if permitted just to show you that any recording is completely yours to do with as you see fit. post it online, share it with your friends, sell it ANYTHING you want to do with it is completely in your hands.
#6 I must say ANYTHING you tell me to say with heavy eye contact.
#7 For one of the 5 hours I must never allow your cock to leave my mouth.
#8 I must pay you $2.50 for every minute of sucking your cock and $50.00 every time you unload cum in my mouth for the span of 5 hours. That's $750 just for sucking with no cum.
#9 I must be completely Nude, down on my knees and between your legs the entire time I please you.
#10 I must worship you and call you by the name you give me after every dick sucking command you give.
#11 I of course would PROMISE to suck you off to the BEST of my ability. As if my very own life depended on your blowjob being better than just amazing. And if you discover otherwise by the end of a 5 hour blowjob session from me that it did not meet your expectations, I must suck you off for another hour as punishment at your discretion, and pay you an extra $500 as a penalty fee.
Yes i know its a lot to take in but i really would LOVE TO BE SOMEONES VERY OWN PERSONAL BLOWJOB BITCH. Let me know yalls thoughts and EVERYTHING you think. Looking forward to hearing from you all and maybe even seeing if I can make anything work with one of you here. I have the money and the experience, now I just need a willing participant to allow me this opportunity. |
While I am pretty sure that my cock is big enough for you, i don't give instructions. My cock just likes the attention, anything you want to do that doesn't involve sharp objects is fine with me.
Years ago, someone did suck my cock for 5 hours. Mostly non stop. I am sure the head was in their mouth for over an hour. When I pulled it out for a minute, the head was all wrinkly from being in water for so long. It was a free event. Neither of us got paid. I didn't know their name.
But it wonderful, I would be happy to let you suck my cock for as long as you wanted but doubt that I could keep it hard, even being sucked, for the required amount of time.
I would love to try.