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# MY SECRET BLOWJOB GIVING FANTASY EXPOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Started by littlepickle at 26,Feb,19 01:29  other posts of littlepickle
I have to admit a secret fantasy of mine I have had for a long time now. Here goes…… I WANT TO SUCK A REAL MANS COCK FOR 5 HOURS STRAIGHT with the following parameters.

#1 The cock I suck must be bigger than my own.

#2 I suck it for 5 hours straight. No breaks for me.

#3 Everytime you cum I must swallow it with a smile and thank you for it.

#4 You tell me exactly how to suck your cock and balls as I am sucking and I have to follow exact dick sucking orders to a t.

#5 you record ANYTHING for your personal future use as you see fit.

#6 I must say ANYTHING you tell me to say with heavy eye contact.

#7 For one of the 5 hours I must never allow your cock to leave my mouth.

#8 I must pay you $1.00 every minute for the pleasure of sucking your cock.

#9 I of course would PROMISE to suck you off to the BEST of my ability. As if my very own life depended on your blowjob being better than just amazing. And if you discover otherwise by the end of a 5 hour blowjob session from me that it did not meet your expectations, I must suck you off for another hour as punishment at your discretion.

Yes i know its a lot to take in but i really would LOVE TO BE SOMEONES VERY OWN PERSONAL BLOWJOB BITCH. Let me know yalls thoughts and EVERYTHING you think. Looking forward to hearing from you all and maybe even seeing if I can make anything work with one of you here.

Similar topics: 1.Uncut guys: Do you prefer for your foreskin to be retracted during oral?   2.Vers / versatile: do you prefer pitching or catching?   3.HOW LONG SHOULD A BLOWJOB LAST!!!!!!   4.What makes a great blowjob ?   5.MY BLOWJOB FANTASY FULLY EXPOSED!  

New Comment

By Richie at 09,May,23 19:23 other posts of Richie 
If I push and pull on my dick I think it's bigger than yours. Wanna suck me for 5 hours straight?
By littlepickle at 15,May,23 17:30 other posts of littlepickle 
of course id LOVE to suck on yours for 5 hours Richie. Im sure you would be an excellent blowjob instructor. Would love to hear you tell me exactly how to suck your cock as I was workin my magic on you.
By Richie at 15,May,23 18:15 other posts of Richie 
As hot as that sounds I can barely last about five minutes without shooting my load Five hours and I'd be completely dry. But it would be so much fun watching you suck me dry!

By Gntlmn at 06,May,23 05:24 other posts of Gntlmn 
--------------------------------------- added after 12 hours

...or "pro boner"
By littlepickle at 08,May,23 19:41 other posts of littlepickle 
Love to suck yours for more than $300 Gntlmn. I would be honored to suck your dick and swallow every drop you gave me with a huge smile and a thank you to you. I would want you to know exactly how much I appreciate it and how much more deserving you are of it than myself. I would be down on my knees in my rightful place for you. I want to suck it exactly the way you tell me to. you deserve this
By Gntlmn at 08,May,23 20:43 other posts of Gntlmn 
I wouldn't expect any payment. Your cocksucking skills would be highly valued.

By nekekal at 21,Apr,23 22:14 other posts of nekekal 
Strange, but when I was in my early 20s, I managed to allow myself to be picked up in a bar, and to a guys house and when we got there he said that all he wanted to do was suck my cock. Perfect.

We got naked, and since my cock was already hard, he stsrted sucking it. It was around midnight and he was an awesome cock sucker. I was filling his mouth with cum in just a few minutes. I was so horny that it didn't take very long. So he swallowed and kept sucking. My cock stayed hard, and I was able to concentrate on the intense feelings in my cock as he sucked. Soon, I was shooting cum in his mouth again.

Again, he kept sucking, I stayed hard and just enjoyed the feeling of having my cock in his mouth, his hands on my shaft and balls, and the glow spreading through my body from great cock sucking. After a while i was giving him cum to swallow.

At this point I was starting to worry that I would run out of cum and that the headof my cock would get all wrinkly from being bathed in saliva for a long time. But he kept sucking and swallowing whenever there was cum and I stayed hard. It was heavenly.

Eventually, he took my cock out of his mout and said "I have to go to work.. I will just finish this off and you will have to go". And he did. It probably took him another 30 minutes or so before I was able to cum and he took off to the bathroom. I dried off my cock, put my clothing on, said goodbye and thank you, and left.

It was about 5:30 in the morning. So I had my cock in his mouth for about 5 hours. Mostly continuously. No one was paid but it has similarities to your fantasy. I don't think that you are alone. I would be happy to let you suck my cock but I don't think it will stay hard for that length of time anymore.
By littlepickle at 05,May,23 20:46 other posts of littlepickle 
Nekekal I would be honored to give you a repeat of that night in your 20's NOW! It makes me hot and horny just thinking about being on the receiving end. If your ever close by maybe we could make something happen? love to give you a repeat or see if I can do a better job. maybe we should up it to 10 hours instead? Love to give it everything I got and swallow everything you give me only, this time we will have to plan it over a weekend so I dont have to go to work

By ForgottenNFallen at 27,Aug,20 13:37 other posts of ForgottenNFallen 
Damn...i could only imagine the day that would ever be
By littlepickle at 31,Mar,21 18:08 other posts of littlepickle 
I am still dieing to suck dick like there is no tomorrow.
--------------------------------------- added after 17809 hours

I need a nice BIG cock in my mouth NOW!

By #562635 at 10,Mar,19 05:45
Wish I cud ccum too
By littlepickle at 14,Mar,19 22:16 other posts of littlepickle 
So do I Leftover55.
--------------------------------------- added after 168 hours

you can cum ANYTIME you like.
--------------------------------------- added after 3509 hours


By #551147 at 09,Mar,19 08:55
🤔 Hmmmmm Sounds pretty tempting... But, you're waaaaay over there. 😔
By littlepickle at 10,Mar,19 04:36 other posts of littlepickle 
Im glad to hear it. Im sorry you live so far away. Id love to try my oral skills on you.
--------------------------------------- added after 35947 hours

If I could ship my dick sucking lips to you I would.

By littlepickle at 27,Feb,19 01:40 other posts of littlepickle 
Seriously im dieing to try out my skills on someone here. Im salivating just thinking about preforming this.
--------------------------------------- added after 243 hours

I wrote this post over 11 days ago and havent heard as much as a peep out of anyone on here it must be an unusual fantasy but, nevertheless I am still dieing to know what ANYONE thinks out there.
--------------------------------------- added after 13079 hours

Will anyone take me up on some good quality dick sucking in their favor?

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