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Watching sleeping wife's face

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Started by SexIsLife at 29,May,24 20:21  other posts of SexIsLife
I've a weird fetish that is whenever I found my wife in deeper sleep, I've started to feel horny. I've sat beside her, watching her face from so close, touch her face anywhere I wish to. Kiss allover her face, feel the wormth breathing smell of her. Lick her lips, nose tips, cheek and eyes. All of these I've done very carefully whether she's not awake. I took my precum with finger and smear it allover her face. Is it weird?

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New Comment

By pipcock at 11,Nov,24 01:00 other posts of pipcock 
No I get what you feel. It's a combination of loving and possessing and your precum on her marks as yours. I always want to cum on my JJ's face for the same reason.

By Maxwell_93 at 30,May,24 00:04 other posts of Maxwell_93 
By SexIsLife at 21,Oct,24 23:26 other posts of SexIsLife 
Is it bad?

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