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Sleeping naked

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Started by #129941 at 04,Jun,11 18:09
My wife and I have slept naked almost since we got married. It is so much easier for sex. We did have a few nights wearing bedclothes, but we soon found it silly for my wife to don a "baby-doll", only for us to remove it a few minutes later.

Similar topics: 1.sleeping with family   2.Nude Sleeping   3.Sleeping naked   4.Have you ever masturbated next to someone sleeping?   5.Naked in a hotel hallway  

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By #662360 at 20,Aug,23 14:29
Slept naked with my woman last night because it was a hot sweaty night. Had a good nude romp with our hands all over me. It was too sticky for body contact sex so she hand jobbed me.

By casado at 17,Aug,23 14:21 other posts of casado 
sempre durmo nъ
By leopoldij at 19,Aug,23 23:14 other posts of leopoldij 
Anche io.

By PITBULL at 20,Aug,23 14:26 other posts of PITBULL 
Eu tamben

By nekekal at 13,Aug,23 20:28 other posts of nekekal 
I have always slept naked if I could.
Before I got married, my wife and I would both be naked. I thought it was great, even if you didn't get to fuck, there were tits to fondle, ass to caress, cock to play with.

Then we got married. She broke out the heavy weight pajamas. She wore them like armor. "Just try and fuck me with these on!". I still slept naked with my cock in my hand. Hey someone has to hold it.

By #699038 at 05,Aug,23 05:59
I have slept naked since i was 12 and i love it more comfortable as well as i like being naked

By Mynakedcock at 15,Mar,23 16:31 other posts of Mynakedcock 
I have slept naked since I was about six years old my mum didn’t think it was right for a boy that age to sleep naked but if she made me put pjs on I would just take them off when she left the room.
I would even sleep naked at sleepovers and school trips.

By tecsan at 01,Mar,23 00:56 other posts of tecsan 
My exe and I always slept nude, it always took away the damn nuisance of the bed wear.

By #677384 at 28,Feb,23 22:58
I think clothes are stupid, and have slept naked since I was a kid. I was visiting my bestie awhile back, and his wife came in the guest room to wake me for breakfast (she didn't wake me up just then) and it was warm so I was uncovered on top of the bedding naked with morning wood I guess hehe. She told me later that seeing my hard cock and naked body made her wet and horny, so she had to go rub one out hehe! I'm glad she didn't act on her desires because they were happily married at the time and she is a very sexy lady.

By Olderguy321 at 28,Feb,23 11:24 other posts of Olderguy321 
I have slept in the nude since i was 6 yrs old. Im now 64 and still sleep naked it the only way . I like to feel my body when ever i want and being nude truly keeps you warmer.

By german_guy at 27,Feb,23 19:01 other posts of german_guy 
my wife and I always sleep nude and cuddle real close. we both enjoy each others body in every way

By Louis at 27,Feb,23 11:18 other posts of Louis 
I sleep naked usually from early May until mid October. I’d prefer to do it year round, but where I live it’s usually too cold beyond a certain point to do so.

By #657920 at 27,Feb,23 09:46
I sleep naked most of the time. Been doing so since I was 9.

By PITBULL at 27,Feb,23 02:04 other posts of PITBULL 
I sleep naked all year around

By #682523 at 26,Feb,23 08:46
Sleeping naked is very healthy! Cocks live freely, breasts breathe, so do pussies and testicles produce more sperm

By MilaBoobs at 26,Feb,23 00:06 other posts of MilaBoobs 
I sleep naked when it is not cold

By Lik2play at 25,Feb,23 23:26 other posts of Lik2play 
I sleep naked year around in ks. Love it

By #688512 at 25,Feb,23 13:12
I sleep shirtless - but with a cock as large as mine is when soft, underwear is necessary to stop it flopping around and getting crushed if I roll on it or just generally being uncomfortable

[deleted image]

By 4438cr at 25,Feb,23 12:45 other posts of 4438cr 
All of my life!!!

By #662360 at 25,Feb,23 07:56
On hot summer nights my wife and I sleep together nude. It’s nice to have a good nude romp with her before sleep even if we don’t then have sex. It always gets me up hard and she doesn’t mind if I wank next to her to release it.

When I was a boy I liked to take my pyjamas off and sleep naked because it felt so sexy. In those days I wanked naked a couple of times most nights.

By routemaster at 25,Feb,23 03:03 other posts of routemaster 
I've always slept in the nude ever since I was a boy and I lead a nudist lifestyle as much as I can

By earthy at 18,Jun,20 21:37 other posts of earthy 
I sleep naked all the time, unless it's really cold. Been sleeping nude since I was 12 I think.

By #610869 at 18,Jun,20 19:42
I sleep naked in the warmer months: April thru October.

By #516354 at 17,Jun,20 09:45
My ex wife used to wear a nightie to bed and I used to wear underpants until we got into b.d.s.m.She would still wear a nightie but I was made to sleep naked at the end of the bed with a cock cage on.

By #619152 at 11,Jun,20 15:57
I sleep naked too...
But what I love is swimming naked in ocean/sea
In that time I always masturbate - soo stimulate

By #442079 at 10,Jun,20 14:13
In the summertime, yes!

By #489480 at 09,Jun,20 20:54
I've slept nude since I got out of high school.

By geranium at 05,Jun,20 10:02 other posts of geranium 
i can't understand, why i should have to wear sth when sleeping and it's almost impossible for me to deep sleep when dressed. feel strangled when a shirt or pyjama is wrapped around my neck. life is short, sleep naked
By #583549 at 06,Jun,20 01:35
You are right! It's the best way too sleep!

By massco at 13,Sep,19 02:40 other posts of massco 
Every night

By #583549 at 13,Sep,19 00:02
I have slept nude since I was 10 years old!

By #578610 at 12,Sep,19 12:28
Sleeping naked is better than voting for Trump.
Careful with Scorpio69. He lies

By SluttySarah069 at 12,Sep,19 12:25 other posts of SluttySarah069 
My wife and I have always slept naked - it's no big deal - we are very well acquainted with each others bits and pieces.

By wycowboy at 12,Sep,19 11:51 other posts of wycowboy 
I've slept naked for over 40 years now. My wife is usually wearing something but it's never got in the way of a good fuck at night.

By #574047 at 12,Sep,19 09:14
I love sleeping naked and always I am sleeping naked

By JeffinKS at 08,Jun,11 04:55 other posts of JeffinKS 
I have slept naked since i was 15...... long time and I also go commando everyday no undergarments needed let them swing

By #11425 at 05,Jun,11 09:47
I always sleep nude.

By slipper at 05,Jun,11 05:50 other posts of slipper 

By #7976 at 04,Jun,11 23:29
I can't remember when I last slept in clothes except when camping in Arctic conditions. My wife typically wears a nightgown to keep warm and sleeps nude on hot summer nights. Either way, our sex is great.

By #150240 at 04,Jun,11 20:29
I have slept nude for akmost 20 years now

By Ray10754 at 04,Jun,11 19:08 other posts of Ray10754 
Being a nudist,living a nudist life I always sleep nude,alng with doing just about everything nude,only weare clthes when absolutely needed and thats not very often other than work and shopping

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