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First time you seen and knew you wanted to suck a cock

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Started by #712704 at 16,Jun,24 03:55
Mine was in high school long story short we had a pool day. One of the guys in my class idk why I always kinda felt weird about (later found out why lol) was changing and he was wearing nylon adidas pants no underwear🤤 he pulled his pants down and his cock showed and it was so yummy looked semi hard and it just turned me on so much watching it shake and bounce around as he pulled his pants off and out his shorts on 😩

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By neednopants at 30,Dec,24 17:51 other posts of neednopants 
I was very young when I saw my best friend nude for the first time. I wanted to touch his cock and I wanted to kiss it and suck it and I did. And so did he.

By Tempp at 30,Dec,24 04:25 other posts of Tempp 
I never really wanted to until my bud suggested it. After we did each other, I wanted it a lot. Still want it.

By mrseveninches at 23,Dec,24 01:25 other posts of mrseveninches 
I knew as soon as I saw another boys dick. My cousin and myself, both age 8.

By thicknsmooth at 22,Dec,24 04:50 other posts of thicknsmooth 
I was fascinated with my cock from a very young age. Soon I was attracted to the other boys and curious about their bodies and their cocks. I sucked my first cock and got my cock sucked by a boy the same age when we were 8 years old. Loved it so much I still do it today

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