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Small cock fantasies

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Started by Lvphose at 23,Jun,24 19:41  other posts of Lvphose
As I’ve gotten older my cock has gotten much smaller. I’m curious to hear about any small cock fantasies out there!

Similar topics: 1.Fantasy   2.Fuck me please? Can anyone help with my fantasies? Xx   3.Bi-curious and my fantasies   4.Dom/Sub/BDSM fantasies? group...small cocks rock  

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By Sirius5500 at 23,Jul,24 21:14 other posts of Sirius5500 
I'm a big fan of little dicks. My fantasy is to have at threesome with two micro-dicked guys, with me directing the action before joining in.
By Lvphose at 25,Jul,24 14:45 other posts of Lvphose 
Nice, more detail!

By Lvphose at 22,Nov,24 04:29 other posts of Lvphose 
Wish you’d give more detail!

By Lvphose at 26,Jul,24 13:59 other posts of Lvphose 
I am to go over to my gf’s place for some sex play as we often do. When I get there she blind folds me and has me strip naked. She then tells me to lay down where she ties my hands and feet as if I’m on an X. I hear some noise but not sure what it is. Then I hear a familiar video playing of a video my gf & I made when we were younger and my cock was much larger. She then takes the blind fold off and I see I’m in front not only my gf but my friends wife and ex boss some coworkers too. They have been watching the video all rubbing their pantyhose pussies. When video done the look down at me and notice my cock is minuscule in size. Disappointed my gf tells them to take out their disappointment which they do slapping, tugging, whipping my small cock! Then my hands are released and I’m forced to masturbate in front of them and shoot my cum on the pantyhosed feet!

By Kylorent62 at 25,Jul,24 16:50 other posts of Kylorent62 
I have one and love them as well

By hotcock33 at 24,Jul,24 16:59 other posts of hotcock33 
I feel mine has gotten smaller over the last 10 years or so as well...used to be close to 6 hard, now barely 5. Flaccid is barely 1 inch if im lucky...usually just sticks out an inch or so, doesn't even hang any more.

By Richie at 23,Jul,24 15:38 other posts of Richie 
I live a small cock nightmare
By Sirius5500 at 23,Jul,24 21:20 other posts of Sirius5500 
@Richie - I like how you're showing it off!
By Richie at 23,Jul,24 21:35 other posts of Richie 

By mrseveninches at 23,Jul,24 01:11 other posts of mrseveninches 
I love small dicks!

By Jublad36 at 21,Jul,24 12:56 other posts of Jublad36 
Little cocks are cute. I'd live to have an acorn cock.

By Moench at 26,Jun,24 19:57 other posts of Moench 
I feel that my penis is getting smaller with the years too I hope he will getting smaller more and more

By Alwaysnude at 24,Jun,24 13:53 other posts of Alwaysnude 
I too have gotten much smaller yes I started out small anyway is small sexy?

By neednopants at 24,Jun,24 06:41 other posts of neednopants 

By Lvphose at 23,Jun,24 19:42 other posts of Lvphose 

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