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How did you get started posting pics?

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Started by Antonek at 10,Nov,24 04:12  other posts of Antonek
Ok guys and gals, how did you get started posting nudes of yourself?
Here’s my story. My washing machine broke so I had to go to the laundromat . While I was waiting I was surfing the inter-webs. Somehow, “show it off” came up. You all seemed like such real people posting real pics, so I went into the rest room, stripped down, and clicked off a few shots . I registered and probably about a day later I was able to submit and post a pic. It really was exciting, seeing myself on a public space fully exposed. While in college, I wished I had been a figure model for the art dept but I was just too shy. So, posting some pics has fulfilled many of my secret desires. Thanks to all of you for your comments and such positive reinforcement .My first pic from that day at the laundromat is still on my gallery as the first/last pic on pg.2. Thanks for looking and I’d love to hear your stories as well.

Similar topics: 1.people not posting pics   2.Just getting into posting pics   3.Are you addicted to posting pictures.   4.Help: Posting pics of my wife but can't categorize correctly   5.Question about posting mechanics  

New Comment

By PoloFields at 17,Nov,24 01:30 other posts of PoloFields 
Somehow stumbled across this site one day, saw so many hot cocks and pussies, and decided to join in the fun!

By Smoothsilk at 14,Nov,24 20:59 other posts of Smoothsilk 
Love showing off my boner. Found this site while looking for a place to expose myself.

By Luvanicecock at 11,Nov,24 22:36 other posts of Luvanicecock 
I was on sex dating apps with cock pics, and a friend from one of those told me about showitoff. I really enjoy posting normal and crazy nudes. I'm such an exhibitionist

By SluttySarah069 at 10,Nov,24 21:20 other posts of SluttySarah069 
I've always been a bit of an exhibitionist so when I found site where I could post pictures of myself either naked or dressed up as a slut -then I took a few pictures of myself and hope that people like looking at them.

By mmoon42 at 10,Nov,24 14:58 other posts of mmoon42 
I discovered the site while trading nudes with someone who was a member. He share other pics with the link on them. I got curious do looked it up and here I am.

By durangopisces at 10,Nov,24 13:32 other posts of durangopisces 
Hey thanks for posting your pics, you do have an Amazing and Beautiful Cock.

By #718164 at 10,Nov,24 04:45
I like being naked and I like taking photos of myself but had no where for others to see them. I searched long and hard to find this site, so here I am.

Adult Discussion Forum