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Are there any single bottom gay men here who AREN'T MARRIED? & who are looking for a lover?

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Started by #726312 at 10,Dec,24 12:09
Are there any single Gay bottom men who are NOT MARRIED & who are looking for a lover?

I'm looking for a lover/partner (been looking for that for an extremely long time) BUT I need a man who's an 100% bottom... i dont suck penis or take it up the ass, BUT I love having my penis sucked on ALL THE TIME, even after I cum, you can keep sucking me. & I can fuck you up the ass and poke ur Gspot & get you off that way once i get to know you really well...

I live in VOLUSIA COUNTY FLORIDA but anyone within the connected states of the USA would work...

I don't care what a guy looks like, but the older the better... I'm not picky at all... just need a man who's a bottom... hopefully someone clingy, emotional, & obsessive who never goes away.

I'M LOOKING FOR THE SAME MAN WHO WILL SUCK MY PENIS ALL THE TIME! it freaks me out being sucked off by different man & I want just one place to put my penis inside... so a clingy guy with OCD who wants to suck the same penis all the time would be awesome

Message me if you want to talk ♥

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New Comment

By gayguy at 26,Jan,25 23:34 other posts of gayguy 
Would love to find a lover

By #726312 at 12,Jan,25 10:00
i'm still looking for this ♥

By #726312 at 02,Jan,25 02:52
i'm still looking for this ♥

Adult Discussion Forum