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Anybody want to fuck is mother like me

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Started by SexyboytoyzMtl at 22,Feb,25 01:06  other posts of SexyboytoyzMtl
I want to know if im the only Guy that fond is mother sexy like me? For real i dont like her face she's not really beautiful but her body and her ass OMG i really want to fuck my mother

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By lovetolickyou at 22,Feb,25 02:18 other posts of lovetolickyou 
I desperately wanted to fuck my mother...but, even more, I wanted to lick her cunt. I was way too inhibited to ask back then, which is too bad. I'm reasonably sure that after she and my father were separated, all I'd have had to do is wait for her to come in to wake me up one morning, and be laying there naked with a major hardon, and whacking myself off. I like to hope she'd have sucked me right there and then, but either way, I'm sure I could have fucked her. Twenty-twenty hindsight....It'll never happen now, but if I'd been bolder and more ready to put it out there, I think I'd have some memories now that I'd treasure.
By Dubldikher247 at 25,Feb,25 00:54 other posts of Dubldikher247 
Well believe it or not I actually mustered up the courage to ask and I was granted permission to touch and then after some persuading and begging I got the taste Im not sure I can share what age I was but what I can say is that I don't regret it I'm glad that I mustered up the courage and I feel like I should have done it more often or asked for a little more action but after that one time I just couldn't bring myself to too embarrassed but that was my first taste of Lady parts and let me tell you there's no better flavor than Mom flavor finger licking Good what I did do is steal a bunch of shoe box full of her Polaroid but then my buy-ex girlfriend stole them from me wish I still had them I post them right on here she was hot even my friend would come over and we'd pick into the shower on her

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