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Would u fuck ur best friends Mother?

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Started by #172419 at 18,Oct,11 14:43
My best friends mother has always been hot in my eyes. I would do or give anything to fuck her.
Would u fuck ur best friends mother if u coculd?

Similar topics: 1.Mother in law   2.Mother in law   3.Racists   4.Happy Mother’s Day   5.Anybody want to fuck is mother like me  

New Comment

By #64328 at 30,Apr,19 16:58
I was seduced by a friends mom when I was a freshman in high school. But I never told my friend about it.
By leopoldij at 30,Apr,19 20:04 other posts of leopoldij 
Did you fuck her?
By #64328 at 01,May,19 15:43 went on for a few months and I only told one friend back then about. My buddy I told was a friend that we jacked off together secretly for a couple years. We were super horny growing up. He was still a virgin and wanted to know all about it
By leopoldij at 02,May,19 02:16 other posts of leopoldij 
Wow. Nice!!!

By thickswingercock at 21,Apr,19 06:46 other posts of thickswingercock 
i have fucked a few of my friends moms
By leopoldij at 30,Apr,19 20:05 other posts of leopoldij 
Did your mom know or did she find out?
By thickswingercock at 01,May,19 04:45 other posts of thickswingercock 
no my mom didnt know i fucked my friends moms
By leopoldij at 01,May,19 06:57 other posts of leopoldij 
Must have felt good to fuck them...

By #535695 at 30,Apr,19 21:53
Well, I would have to dig her up first, seeing as she is dead.

By #584899 at 30,Apr,19 20:05

By leopoldij at 30,Apr,19 20:04 other posts of leopoldij 
If she agreed, yes.

By #584524 at 24,Apr,19 21:57
All day, all night and then some..

By knewbi at 19,Apr,19 20:49 other posts of knewbi 
Some times i am so horny that i would fuck anything that walks!!!
By german_guy at 24,Apr,19 20:09 other posts of german_guy 

By #437025 at 24,Apr,19 07:36
Oh yes i would if given the chance

By #522791 at 22,Apr,19 02:04
Yassss given the chance yassss

By #586300 at 21,Apr,19 07:33
I've always wanted to older woman. I fucked 2 of my friends slut mommas every Friday and Saturday night. I'd sleep over and wait for them to come home drunk.

By Darthshame at 12,Apr,19 02:00 other posts of Darthshame 
if i had a best friend with a hot mother, your damn right i would

By andrew999999999 at 11,Apr,19 20:44 other posts of andrew999999999 

By #584524 at 11,Apr,19 20:13
Only in the ass.

By #584524 at 11,Apr,19 20:10

By #579310 at 09,Feb,19 09:30
I would fuck her if I could.I had sniffed her used panties as well. But never had a chance.

By admin at 30,Jan,19 01:56 other posts of admin 
By Dev01 at 30,Jan,19 04:32 other posts of Dev01 
JT is a real mother fucker

By #545468 at 30,Jan,19 04:31
Nope, but maybe the father ...

By #522126 at 19,Jan,19 23:02
Not now,but in the past,hell yeah!! and I did@
By #455846 at 30,Jan,19 01:05

By #7976 at 29,Jan,19 21:48
She's' nearly 100 so...No.
By #455846 at 30,Jan,19 01:04

By #455846 at 30,Jan,19 01:04
I did once, back in the day. And yes. A lott of my friends moms were hot and sexy as...

By #578258 at 28,Jan,19 01:37
I would if I had a chance. As I was growing up I had at least four friends with smoking hot moms. I dreamed about their naked bodies and masturbated a lot dreaming how I would fuck one of those moms.

By #491031 at 19,Jan,19 21:14
Is she a PENGUIN?

By wycowboy at 19,Jan,19 21:13 other posts of wycowboy 
Nope, not my best friends mom, she was very heavy and ugly too. She wouldn't have let me anyway, she hated me. She thought I corrupted her son, lol. Some of my other friends moms though, hell yeah!

By thickswingercock at 18,Jan,19 14:10 other posts of thickswingercock 
i have been seduced by a couple friends mothers

By #551147 at 14,Jan,19 19:28
ABSOLUTELY NOT! She's like 85... Sweet lil lady though. 😉

By #576878 at 14,Jan,19 17:18
I had few hot friends moms growing up.When I visited one friend I would leave for bathroom and while going there I would look for his moms used underwear dropped for washing.If I find her panties I would masturbate in friends bathroom, while sniffing and tasting scent of her pussy. I would cum so much everytime.
Then when we had friends birthdays we would drink together and when his mom would be drunk enough, I call her to dance. I was able to hug her. Feel her booty with my hands or put my face between her big soft boobs. If I had a chance sleeping with her I would do it.

By pifad at 08,Feb,13 07:33 other posts of pifad 
No, but I'd have my way with Daddy!

By Ray10754 at 07,Feb,13 17:32 other posts of Ray10754 

By #190275 at 19,Oct,11 03:29
My best friend ofcourse not, its just sex. If you are that desperate just head to the nearest waterhole and hit on everything, its not hard finding someone, if you acctually try.

By #59855 at 18,Oct,11 16:32
From Matt's Wife: You would fuck anything is it let you!
By #172419 at 18,Oct,11 17:03
Your wrong I wouldn't fuck u. At least not without a condom
By #59855 at 19,Oct,11 03:20
From Matt's Wife: I wouldn't let you in the same room as me

By slipper at 18,Oct,11 18:05 other posts of slipper 
I was offered the chance by my best friend while his whoring mom was passed out drunk one night... I've related the story in another thread here. And, no, I didn't do it.

By mack at 18,Oct,11 15:11 other posts of mack 
damn straight i would

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