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Started by 0-issues-being-nude at 11,Mar,25 15:38  other posts of 0-issues-being-nude
Just curious: Are members allowed to download (and possibly post on other sites) pics that I submit to this site?

Similar topics: 1.Downloading?   2."Friends" are nice, but prefer smaller photos   3.www.StealOthersPics andPostthemasyourown.org   4.Downloading videos from SYD on a mobile device?   5.Are video downloads supposed to be this slow?  

New Comment

By HornySyd at 13,Mar,25 02:10 other posts of HornySyd 
It's not very difficult to download. But if you post someone else's pictures on another site, you are opening a big can of worms - legal worms if you don't have permission. Beyond the legal stuff, it's ethically very questionable. I would not recommend it.

Of course, you realize (I hope) that there's nothing preventing someone from posting your pix elsewhere. It's a risk (or a benefit depending on your view) we all take. Once your cock and balls are out there, there's no getting them back!

Adult Discussion Forum