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ur shaved pubes

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Started by #46562 at 16,Mar,10 17:10
how does it feel just right after you've shaved?

Similar topics: 1.Shaving or being shaved   2.Pubes, what do you do with them?   3.Shaving my pubes   4.Show Your Pubes! you like your pubes shaved or hairy...why?  

New Comment

By spermkiss at 16,Mar,10 17:35 other posts of spermkiss 
It feels like heaven on earth. For all you men out there who have ever had a beard and then shaved it off, think what your face felt like on the day you shaved. Wasn't it alive with sensation such as you've never felt before. Now think what it would feel like to have that heightened sensation in the area of you genitalia. So, yeah, shave yourself hairless and have sex. You WON'T be sorry.

Adult Discussion Forum