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first saw your cock reaction

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Started by #59453 at 18,Mar,10 05:21
i love hearing about peoples reaction when they first saw your cock by another girl or guy. I get good reactions. They seem to love how thick my cock is. So come on ppl tell me your story. How it happened and what they said when they saw it

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By #496814 at 14,Apr,16 19:30
I must have been a few days old myself. As for my reaction, I dunno anymore. Maybe I couldn't comprehend my body and its wiggly parts anyhow, especially not with the fluids streaming out of it every now and then. But I guess I found it weird and funny to play with, cause the latter I haven't stopped doing ever since.

By #23212 at 18,Mar,10 07:02
Well, I was only 8 days old, and when he saw it for the first time, he decided to cut off 'some extra skin' on the end. I did not have a good reaction to this, but I'm sure he got a great tip for his efforts.
By Greek18cm at 14,Apr,16 19:02 other posts of Greek18cm 
He must be envy of your cock to decide cut sone of it

By #423426 at 05,Apr,16 09:49
I know it's more common to have a totally shaved cock these days, but it was always good to see a girl's face seeing it for the first time.

By nekekal at 04,Apr,16 17:49 other posts of nekekal 
When I was younger, I would be dating a woman and the first time, which was frequently the last time, that they saw my cock, the reaction was almost always the same. It was some thing like:

OMG, how big is that thing. I don't think it will fit in me. How about it if you just lean back and let me give you a blow job. Although, they could rarely get the head in their mouth.

I like having my cock sucked, so it wasn't a terrible problem, but very few women were interested in dealing with it on a continual basis. I probably should not have filled their mouths with cum.

Anyway, I got picked up by a lot of guys. Apparently guys are better at spotting a cock that they want to suck. And guys are generally very good at sucking cock. I like my cock sucked, so it worked out. Even some of the guys were surprised at the size of the thing. No body got very much cock in their mouth. Everyone got a lot of cum in their mouth.

By Greek18cm at 03,Apr,16 23:13 other posts of Greek18cm 
The first time ever a girl saw my dick was on the sea. I was swimming and my cousin look the bottom sea with a mask. I had an eraction and she noticed.
She was putting her head in and iut of the water looking once my cock and once my face like she thinks "is that yours"...
Later a friend of her told me about that my cousin tell her the story and comment my cock with any nice words a guy want to hear about his cock...

By #46165 at 03,Apr,16 22:53
Usually a little laugh or giggle. Im usually the smallest theyve seen

By slipper at 19,Mar,10 00:40 other posts of slipper 
Here's one I've related in other threads... Being the ONLY uncut person through all 4 years of gym class, a couple guys finally came up to me in the shower and asked about my "weird" cock. After I gave them an unnecessarily graphic explanation of what had happened to their cocks, they slunk away and NO ONE ever asked or commented about mine again.

By #23212 at 19,Mar,10 01:32
Isn't there an old proverb that says something like, (Others') Ignorance is blissfully fun (to mess with)'??
By slipper at 19,Mar,10 04:17 other posts of slipper 

By 3fdfd at 23,Mar,16 00:53 other posts of 3fdfd 
If you hung like that in high school, I can see why the other guys noticed your cock

By #455846 at 22,Mar,16 17:35
some girl said to me when i was a kidd let me see what you ve got ( i think she thought people of any sex could have a dick or a pussy ! ) , so i replied -"will you show me yours" so we both got our pants down ...she only said "wow yours is big" (i was only about five, and i remember it being semi erect)

By #6568 at 18,Mar,10 15:34
When I was 8 or 9 we went to a large family gathering where I was the youngest of the several children,..there was my two direct cousins, a boy and girl who, being about 5 years older than me must have been 13 0r 14, and another older girl and boy. These kids had the boring task of looking after me as the 'baby' of the group. I was still in short trousers typical of littel kids of the era and the others were much superior in their adult clothing.

All us kids retired to another part of the house to amuse ourselves and the older boys anounced that they all had 'grownup stuff' to discuss with the girls. This turned out to my embarassment to be chat about the penis and it's function and features etc! I sat quietly while the atmosphere became charged with tension and eventually the two boys felt the need to get their dicks out for the girls to look at. There were remarks about these being 'grownup' dicks unlike those on little boys, me!

During the next few minutes in which I declined to get mine out for inspection the two older boys laughed openly at me until one of the girls felt my dick thru my shorts and anounced that it did'nt feel all that small. This meant that they all had to see so I allowed the girl to gently pull down my shorts and out sprang my dick that was now well on the way to full erection. I remember that it was considerably longer and more business like than the older boys dicks and it drew gasps of surprise followed by a hushed silence!

Suddenly it was anounced that this part of the 'grownup stuff' was now over and in a flash mine was the only dick on view! The girl remaioned at my side for the rest of the day although she was 4 or 5 years older than me!

At the time it was an embarassing occurance but over the years the humour and educational value of what actually happened has often come to my mind.......

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