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dont be a retard.... read this you retards......

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Started by #28908 at 22,Mar,10 06:41
Why do people post retarted comments? Dont ask to suck it. It will never happen in most cases.

Don't post pics of your face. We don't care to see it. Most of yall are ugly fuckers anyway.

Dont post pics of your old lady's couchie if its hairy and old. I will loose my wood.

Quit being tards. comment nice and leave.

Similar topics: 1.i think im bi.   2.Admin   3.looking for imformation   4.liars or afraid people   5.**** sex..  

New Comment

By #44835 at 23,Mar,10 02:52
I agree with ya downtownjo
By MoeJoe at 23,Mar,10 08:34 other posts of MoeJoe 
That doesn't surprise me...by the way I see you are keeping the faith.....NO PICS YET!
By #44835 at 23,Mar,10 18:49
Why are u always on my shit? Obsessed much?
By MoeJoe at 23,Mar,10 23:16 other posts of MoeJoe 
Because this is a pic posting site and your sole contribution to it is to shoot off your mouth now and then, you don't post pics.....and no I'm not obsessed...I try to avoid your insipid comments, but when I see one it forces me to comment.
By #44835 at 24,Mar,10 04:56
In one ear and out the other I don't care what u say
By #3997 at 24,Mar,10 15:28
You wouldnt barely legal, you just run your mouth all day, I have never said much to you, but your name says it all and you need to grow up a bit there child!!!!
By #44835 at 25,Mar,10 16:37
I'm sorry did any ask your opinion? No so shut the fuck up
By #3997 at 30,Mar,10 17:19
Your a tough little one huh, you don't have to ask my opinion thats the joy of having one, I can time in whenever i want, barelylegal the person thats prob not legal and can't post any pics!!!
By #44835 at 31,Mar,10 04:46
Oh yeah I'm pretty fiesty...well i appreciate someone who will actually say what's on their mind. Guys are such pussies on here. at least some of have the balls to say what they think. But either way fuck supablack
By #3997 at 31,Mar,10 16:58
You know, Women can be fiesty, Dogs, can be fisty, even cats, but your calling yourself fiesty, something is wrong with this picture, I will just put you in the Bith Catagory and move on with myself and not waist anymore time going back and forward on stupid shit with you, fuck me, your not that lucky, but you can go play with yourself!!!
By #44835 at 31,Mar,10 23:40
You do that
By #3997 at 01,Apr,10 16:17
Wow good one barelylegal, why don't you go watch the disney channel or some shit, seriously you have nothing better to do but try to ruin people's experience on this site, and I say again (TRY) why can't you just enjoy this site or post pics, shut up, or leave, pick one!!!

By #24286 at 01,Apr,10 23:08
Well Mr BarelyLegal, after reading your comments on this and the MrCockman thread I can well believe it went in one ear and out the other as there is fuck all in there to slow it down.
By #44835 at 02,Apr,10 02:22
Were you trying to be funny or something
By #59855 at 02,Apr,10 03:49
From Matt's Wife: You one thick pathetic dude sonnyboy

By #59855 at 01,Apr,10 07:28
From Matt's Wife: Guys barely is a varsity catcher and swimmer. I bet he wears water wings. Stay out of the deepend. Wait, go in the deep end!
By #44835 at 01,Apr,10 20:54
Just keeping fighting and make shit up about me. So bored with ur life. I feel sorry for you. You need to get help
By #59855 at 02,Apr,10 03:50
From Matt's Wife: Hey waterboy,,,, RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

By #41723 at 31,Mar,10 18:14
It seems that downtownjo & barelylegal are very lonely attention seekers. In reality they are probably ignored by society & this frustrates the hell out of them. How unfortunate that such idiots are allowed to wander the planet freely.
By #59855 at 31,Mar,10 18:54
From Matt's Wife:

By #59855 at 01,Apr,10 07:23
From Matt's Wife: Byman you are so right, especially with barely legal. I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.

By #53780 at 24,Mar,10 23:02
firstly u are retard to write such stupid things and secondly ur an idiot with a 2 inch niple between ur legs thats why u dont have any pics............
thank u kindly

By #59855 at 24,Mar,10 20:16
From Matt's Wife: I am with the majority on this, funny they are some of the nicest people on here.

By #53643 at 22,Mar,10 17:36
I nominate you for troll thread of the week, even though its only Monday.
I sentcha a gift, consider it a gift from all of us to you.
Bon appetit.
By slipper at 23,Mar,10 19:11 other posts of slipper 

By #26133 at 22,Mar,10 17:13
You will "loose" your wood?

Try L-O-S-E on for size. "Loose" indicates the connection between your brain and your keyboard.
By #44835 at 23,Mar,10 02:51
Fuckin nerd
By slipper at 23,Mar,10 19:09 other posts of slipper 
One can be literate and NOT be a nerd! Need we be so pejorative?

By slipper at 23,Mar,10 19:05 other posts of slipper 

By #55539 at 23,Mar,10 00:48
I don't understand why you joined SYD if you're making such statements. I'll go with Bob on this one : troll of the week.

By spermkiss at 22,Mar,10 23:03 other posts of spermkiss 
It never ceases to amaze me how many ignorant people take a perverse pride in their ignorance and delight in putting it out there on display for the whole world to see. Yes, downtownjo, I'm talking about you.

Adult Discussion Forum