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Started by #64457 at 26,Mar,10 01:34
we lost a long time member recently.... the infamous MRCOCKMAN IS GONE

Similar topics: 1.Guys Which Would We Rather Have?   2.mrcockman  

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By #44835 at 29,Mar,10 04:00
I wouldn't be surprised if monted, people always say he does shit like this
By #59855 at 29,Mar,10 18:12
From Matt's Wife: Why don't you post pics and actually participate in this site instead of cause problems all the time.
By #59855 at 29,Mar,10 18:12
From Matt's Wife: I meant Barely Legal
By #44835 at 31,Mar,10 04:42
Why don't keep fuckin my name out your mouth you broke ass biotch
By #59855 at 31,Mar,10 05:27
From Matt's Wife: Really, post some pics why don't you, or are you a prepubesent kid that is obviously underage and can't post a pic cuz your obviously not old enough.
I am not broke and a bitch is an animal, are you that uneducated or just stupid???
Carefull how you talk sonny boy, I would say this to your face, I gaurantee you would not talk to me this way, especially if Matt was there. This site is called show your dick, if you can't do that then by definition you are an internet troll. Do I have to define that for you too. Nevermind, you can look it up Sonny boy. Leave the site to the grown ups.
By #65587 at 31,Mar,10 05:40
both of u stfu
By #59855 at 31,Mar,10 18:56
From Matt's Wife: Bossman you were nice last night so don't start with me now. As I said to BL, you would not say that to my face so don't say it on here.

By #44835 at 01,Apr,10 00:35
I'm an 18 y/o guy I CAN be stupid and immature. If your an adult why don't you take the high road? Yet u leave paragraphs fighting with me. Wow shows how "mature" you are. Last time I checked adults dont fight with teenage strangers on the Internet
By #59855 at 01,Apr,10 05:09
From Matt's Wife: Two people do not make everyone you wet behind the ears troll. I did take the high road, I never swear at you once. Like I said, you wouldn't talk like that in person. You young inexperienced punks say what you want while you hide behind a computer screen. Am I supposed to be impressed that you are on the varsity b-ball team? You couldn't carry my husbands jockstrap sonyboy. As for my sharing a page with my husband, I am happily married and that is what a loving couple does, maybe your parents don't live together but that looks bad when a cousin and and an uncle live together. I also never threatened you, Matt says any time you want to test your metal he will happily oblige you. He will even drive you to the hospital when he is done with you to show you that there are no hard feelings. All these strong words because you chose to talk badly about people and you finally ran into someone who won't take your crap. Oh at least I post pics. Being 18 does not give you the right to be immature and also threaten people.
By #44835 at 01,Apr,10 05:18
Well yeah i'm only the best pitcher and were going to state. Believe me I do talk like this in person HUN. Are your husbands muscles as small as his dick? And I will act how I want to act. Nothing use say is even processing cause I don't give a shit about you
By #59855 at 01,Apr,10 05:25
From Matt's Wife: You talk a good talk, but that is all trolls like you do talk. Pitcher huh, you sound more like a catcher. You probably don't even understand that do you sonyboy??? I find it hard to beleive that you are an athelete of any kind. the best atheletes work very hard at what they do and don't have the time to start and or hang out on internet sites. We don't know how tiny your dick is cuz you don't have the balls to post pics.
By #59855 at 01,Apr,10 05:29
From Matt's Wife: You say you would talk like that face to face but I gaurantee that you would not, at the most maybe two seconds.....
By #44835 at 01,Apr,10 05:31
Oh believe Me I would LOVE to say this all to your ugly face
By #59855 at 01,Apr,10 05:37
From Matt's Wife: Who cares what you say you are. Like I said great atheletes don't need to talk about what they are or do. I have an ugly face? L0L you are def a troll. You can post pics from your phone sonnyboy. Wow you are tech smart too.

By #44835 at 01,Apr,10 05:29
I'm doing this off my phone that's why I can't post pics. Ur always on here yourself too. And everybody knows pitcher and catcher. That's some dumb middle school shit and for ur information I'm varsity football, baseball, and swimming
By #44835 at 01,Apr,10 05:33
Let's talk on pm
By #59855 at 01,Apr,10 05:38
From Matt's Wife: Lets go on public chat and see how many people agree with you
By #44835 at 01,Apr,10 05:42
Well all the people I've been talking to agree with me
By #59855 at 01,Apr,10 07:21
From Matt's Wife: You talked to no one cause no one likes you.
By #44835 at 01,Apr,10 20:47
Wow you have comebacks like 9 year old
By #59855 at 02,Apr,10 03:51
From Matt's Wife: Not a comeback sonnyboy, the truth unlike your lies. Your not even old enough to be on here and you should be banned

By #59855 at 01,Apr,10 05:42
From Matt's Wife: There is no way I will talk in private and give you access to our page, I am not as stupid as you. How dumb are you to fight with a woman like me, if you had been nice you probably would have found that we had alot in common, but you will never know that now
By #44835 at 01,Apr,10 05:44
I don't really care honestly if fuckin u died right now, I'd probably get an erection
By #59855 at 01,Apr,10 06:09
From Matt's Wife: You probably can't get it up!!!

By #59855 at 01,Apr,10 05:55
From Matt's Wife: I didn't think you would go on public chat cuz you know that no one will agree with you. Go to bed sonnyboy, it is past your bedtime.
By #59855 at 01,Apr,10 06:08

What a wanker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By #59855 at 01,Apr,10 06:08
From Matt's Wife: My 12 year old son could beat you at basketball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By #44835 at 01,Apr,10 20:49
I said basebAll u fuckin idiot. Can you read?
By #59855 at 02,Apr,10 03:53
From Matt's Wife: So you admit that a 12 year old could kick your ass, well atleast you have accepted that you suck
By #44835 at 02,Apr,10 14:04
Whatever helps you sleep at night. Does ur 12 know his mommys a slut?
By #59855 at 03,Apr,10 02:42
From Matt's Wife: Does your family know you have homosexual tendencies??
By #44835 at 03,Apr,10 03:02
By #65587 at 03,Apr,10 03:38
barely legal you got her with the slut thing!! cause its true!! hahahaha mat52 what does you 12 year old think when he sees your ass being boned when he comes home from school everyday
By #59855 at 03,Apr,10 03:49
From Matt's Wife: I take back what I said about you being nice you smalldicked little fairy. How did he get me?? He can't even type a complete sentence, Little bossman you are truly pathetic

By #44835 at 03,Apr,10 03:54
Exactly bossman she's such a dumb bitch. Thanks for your support buddy
By #59855 at 03,Apr,10 03:56
From Matt's Wife: He called you a dumbass sonnyboy
By #44835 at 03,Apr,10 04:21
And he called u a slut
By #59855 at 03,Apr,10 04:28
From Matt's Wife: Well I am not a slut, are you a dumbass?
By #44835 at 03,Apr,10 04:33
Nah my gpa is 3.4 and several people think ur a dumb slut
By #59855 at 03,Apr,10 04:44
From Matt's Wife: No they don't and that was not where I was headed
By #59855 at 03,Apr,10 04:46
From Matt's Wife: I was not trying to slam you that time. Since I am not a slut or dumb and you are not a dumbass why don't we call a truce??

By #44835 at 01,Apr,10 20:52
How long is this gonna go on? I actually have a life so bye.Hope u get hit by bus better get an STD and slowly die. Ur a terrible person Peace out bitch
By #59855 at 02,Apr,10 03:54
From Matt's Wife: By sonnyboy, don't drown in the deepend

By #59855 at 01,Apr,10 07:20
From Matt's Wife: Swimming is at the same time as basketball sonnyboy, get your lies right

By #65312 at 29,Mar,10 23:10
how is he causing a proble here....
By #59855 at 30,Mar,10 02:04
From Matt's Wife: Just like cockman, calling names and such, well cockman is worse.
By #3997 at 30,Mar,10 17:15
Matts wife we love your pics, and I've chatted with you, and your very nice its great
By #3997 at 01,Apr,10 16:35
Barelydumbass, you can borrow a laptop from someone or post pics, I am sure you can post pics from your phone cause I have done it before, your prob just young dumb, stupid, all of the above, Get a life!!!
By #44835 at 01,Apr,10 20:49
Yet ur spending time replying to me. I'm the dumb one
By #3997 at 05,Apr,10 13:56
Yet I am spending alot of time responding to you, Yeah you are the dumb one cause It really doesn't take alot of time, just a shrug of the shoulders, you dumb fuck!!!

By #54123 at 01,Apr,10 23:22
Yeah, are you shy or something?
By #3997 at 05,Apr,10 13:57
If they were my kids brucie beat the hell and some sense into them, but they are obviously not my kids cause mine have sense....

By #24286 at 05,Apr,10 00:29
Yeah, like a hole in the fuckin' head. The arsehole will be back soon under a different guise but i'm sure he/she/it will be easy to spot by the inane comments. Utter Cunt.
By #59855 at 05,Apr,10 00:38
From Matt's Wife: Oh ya I forgot about making other accounts.
By #24286 at 05,Apr,10 00:50
Maybe Admin can block straight from his e-mail address? Then again, tossers like that must have lots of addresses as back up for when they're seen through.
By #59855 at 05,Apr,10 01:48
From Matt's Wife: They are like rats on a sinking ship, they find a way to stay dry.
By #3034 at 05,Apr,10 02:30
And i hate rats but i love looking at your pics, You can use those directions too matts wife
By #59855 at 05,Apr,10 05:29
From Matt's Wife: K

By #59855 at 04,Apr,10 20:26
From Matt's Wife: It seems barely legal is gone. I will miss him

By #53852 at 02,Apr,10 15:23
Barelylegal is probably one of the most repugnent and worthless gits on this site i have ever come across.
By #59855 at 03,Apr,10 02:43
From Matt's Wife: Very true Razzie

By #59855 at 30,Mar,10 19:00
Its nice to see he was deleted, sad to say he will be back and harassing everyone soon.

By #59855 at 26,Mar,10 06:25
From Matt's Wife: He keeps making new Id's and coming on and sending me PM's, even as women!!!

By #59855 at 26,Mar,10 03:24
From Matt's Wife: I think he is still here

By bjuk at 26,Mar,10 01:54 other posts of bjuk 
oh no!

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