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Shaved Balls

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Started by #49799 at 12,Apr,10 09:24
Hey guys. So please share your way of shaving your balls, as this can lead to big problems if you mess up.

Awaiting your knowledge

Similar topics: 1.please tell me what you think about balls shaved or not shaved   2.Shaved or hairy balls - which you like best?   3.How do you guys shave your balls? Anyone tried buring?   4.Shaved balls   5.please RATE my SHAVED genitals  

New Comment

By spermkiss at 12,Apr,10 19:01 other posts of spermkiss 
Shaving the wrinkly skin on the scrotum can indeed be tricky. If you squeeze down one of you testicles so that the skin is stretched smooth, however, it becomes pretty straightforward. I did it for years and I cannot say that I never nicked myself, but with practice one gets better at it. If you like being hairless, consider a permanent solution such as laser or elecrtolisis. I had all of my pubic hair from my navel down and around to above my anus permanently removed by laser eight years ago and I love it.

By MoeJoe at 12,Apr,10 11:01 other posts of MoeJoe 
I shave my package everday in the shower it only takes me a couple of minutes to run my Gillete Mach 3 over things to keep them smooth as silk.

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