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Cleared my page!

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Started by #37169 at 01,Jun,10 21:42
I have just removed all the old~er photographs from my page so that I can post some new ones I took this morning! It was an interesting shoot as a wedding in the next house but one [on the left] meant there were people in and out of the garden, at least two of whom caught glimpses of me naked sporting an erection. Two houses away [on the right]there was some construction work on the roof so three of the workers also saw me and all the while the lady neighbour a house away [on the right] was watching me from her window - something I only realised later when I put my glasses on to focus the camera..what a thrill! You will be able to see the pics as I post them on the page

Similar topics: 1.Pics on front page for 100 points   2.Server overload private chat seems to be broken? help   4.A new page   5.SITE PROBLEMS;  

New Comment

By #6568 at 01,Jun,10 21:53
Blimey!! were lucky that you did'nt have Old Bill knocking at the door!......

.....And it's been chucking it down all day too!

Adult Discussion Forum