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This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by HoneyLips at 19,May,20 09:33  other posts of HoneyLips
Every time I click to open a new page, I get the page/format I want and then a white page opens over the other version. This just started happening and iit’s driving me crazy because the white page doesn’t have the info I’m trying to access.

Example: I noticed I had 2 comments on my blog. Opened it to view them and got the white sheet which contains no comments.

Why is this happening? How do I lose the white page???

Similar topics: 1.Problems   2.Viagra and ED problems   3.Problems with the site   4.SITE ACCESS PROBLEMS   5.POLITICS...Pertaining to the United States of America.  

New Comment

By Sir-Skittles at 22,May,20 20:25 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Oh... I thought this was going to be about Indians...

By bella! at 19,May,20 16:26 other posts of bella! 
I have not experienced this issue but when I've experienced "techy" type matters, members will suggest that I clear the cookies. If you aren't able to sort this problem out by yourself or with "tips" provided by other members, reach out directly to admin , perhaps he can assist.
By admin at 19,May,20 16:52 other posts of admin 
If no one else experience this, then the problem is in her device which I can't help with since I can't see what's really happening there.
By bella! at 19,May,20 17:43 other posts of bella! 
Thank you. 👍

Adult Discussion Forum