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trim or shave

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Started by #70814 at 06,Jun,10 18:37
Hi folks. I need your opinion: who would like me to shave my cock? who would like me to trim it, and who says I should keep it all ?

Thanks for the answers

Similar topics: 1.Styles of pubic hair   2.shuld i shave or not   3.Why do guys shave their pubes ?   4.Shave, trim or let it grow out? This blog determines my fate!   5.Shaved men at public gym and showers  

New Comment

By #389093 at 23,Jun,13 23:28
i shaving my cock i like so much shower dick

By #101136 at 08,Sep,10 09:17
i think you can shave the ball and shaft and a little form "puppy" hair and left or trim the other

take a look of mine my be give you an idea
By #70814 at 08,Sep,10 09:52
Right now I have my balls shaved completely and my pubic hair trimmed.

By #69632 at 08,Aug,10 02:49
Try it once, if you get ingrown hairs and all that then you better stick to trimming it.
By #70814 at 07,Sep,10 18:59
ok !

By #90661 at 07,Aug,10 09:44
I prefer to shave my shaft and ball- trim the rest short. My cock is only 6 " so it looks bigger. She and he like to suck me more when shaved.
I completely shaved a few times- I really didn't like it's looks - neither did the wife- just a crew cut and clen shaft for me
By #70814 at 07,Aug,10 18:31

By #91626 at 06,Aug,10 20:30
Definitely Shave, you will be much more sensitive...It's great for me as I am circumsided and it enables me to enjoy being stroked much much more...really you will notice the difference around your balls and your partner won't get a mouthful of pubes after a blow job ...Cheers Richard
By #70814 at 06,Aug,10 22:41
even shave the pubes? I do shave my balls completely
By #23212 at 06,Aug,10 22:44
While I've never been "circumsided" (Is it fun? ), IMHO you'd look and feel way better all shaved. And yes, your partner won't get a mouth full of hair, too.
By #70814 at 06,Aug,10 23:11
Well she actually loves my pubic hair, so as long as I'm with this girl I will just keep shaving my balls

PS I'm uncircumsided

By #70814 at 10,Jun,10 06:07
Guys check my page to see the result

By #33070 at 08,Jun,10 18:08
Yea I prefer trim the pubes and shave my cock and balls Feels great and I like the look when I give the pubes some shape
By #70814 at 10,Jun,10 06:06

By spermkiss at 07,Jun,10 00:27 other posts of spermkiss 
Shave it all off. Every man should shave himself hairless from the neck down at least once in his life. If you don't like being hairless it will grow back.
By #70814 at 07,Jun,10 00:49
yes thanks for the advice, you're right
By spermkiss at 07,Jun,10 04:53 other posts of spermkiss 
And after you shave, please post some photos. You've got a really attractive pubic patch and sexy dark hair on your legs so you look really good with hair, but I'd really like to see you hairless.

By #70814 at 06,Jun,10 23:08
ok any more opinions?

By #70814 at 06,Jun,10 19:10
I need more opinons what do you prefer ?

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