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shuld i shave or not

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Started by #126814 at 25,Feb,11 10:54
Well i whant u opinion about my dick and body, u think i shuld shave it all? trim? or its god like that?

Similar topics: 1.To shave or not to shave, that is the question? people who shave shave or not to shave   4.Why do guys shave their pubes ? shave or not to shave ?  

New Comment

By yellowman at 03,Mar,11 11:38 other posts of yellowman 
Yes, definitely shave.... Then take photos and we'll tell you what looks best.

By MackyJay at 27,Feb,11 00:20 other posts of MackyJay 
I keep it all shaved from stomach down and love it.

By spermkiss at 25,Feb,11 18:11 other posts of spermkiss 
Yes, your should shave. If you don't like it, it will grow back.

Just as every man should at least once in his life let his beard grow out, every man should at least once in his life shave his enire body from the neck down.

Adult Discussion Forum