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What camera do you use?

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Started by #72956 at 07,Jun,10 20:01
Just curious, what camera equipment do you use??

I use a sony a300, sigma flash and afew different lenses.

Similar topics: 1.SELF-TAKING OF CUMSHOTS   2.*** "What kind of Camera do you use" ***   3.New Camera positioning.   4.I live in Wisconsin and i'm looking for a man to suck me off on camera while i film it and post it. Where can i find this?   5.i'm looking for a man to suck my cock on camera (live in WISCONSIN but moving to FLORIDA in October)  

New Comment

By #428387 at 08,Dec,13 19:53
A Kodak brownie .By the the time the film is developed the thrill is gone .
By #23212 at 01,Jan,70 00:26

By #159671 at 08,Dec,13 15:28
Since this site certianly has a close relationship with photography, let me add that I think it is not so important which camera you use, the real **** to good photography is: LIGHTING. All cameras will take lousy pictures when the lighting is bad, and almost any camera can take a good picture when the lighting is done well.
Did you ever notice how when you look at certian pictures that you can instantly notice "Oh, that's a professional picture, I bet that was stolen from another website." Usually that is the proessional lighting used, not the camera.
Good lighting generally (but not always) has the following qualities, * Sufficient light to light the subject, nothing is too dark or too light. * A "mood" quality to the lighting, either sharp or soft, white or slightly tinted or strongly colored, or a combination of those qualities designed to enhance the subject and the mood the photographer is trying to communicate, * Control of background lighting, to either emphasize or subdue the background, and another is * Local contrast, used to bring out shape and texture to the subject, usually controlled by the direction and angle of the lighting.
These and some other qualities are tools that a trained photographer uses to create a pleasing, desired image. Once that is done, virtually any camera can produce a good image. Of course lens quality, camera resolution and some other features such as shutter speed certianly have an effect, but I find that lighting is the single most important element of good photography. That and the photographer's ability to focus well, recognize and omit a blurred image (specifically on this site!).
OK, I'll get off my soap box now. For years and years and years I've heard this question asked about photography, and not once have I ever heard or read "What lighting do you use / like to use?"
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

Oh camera use varies, a Cannon powershot, Olympus Stylus, JVC GZ-V500, Panasonic SD90, my Blackberry cellphone, sometimes even an old Minolta XD-11 film camera. I am a confessed camera nut with too many cameras and not enough time.

By #61033 at 08,Jun,10 17:55
Pentax K20 SLR with various lenses. I use a Canon Powershot SX20 as well - a nice feature of this camera is that the LCD screen can flip out and face forward. SLIK tripod and Pentax flash.

By #70814 at 08,Jun,10 09:26
I use the Nikon DSLR D90 with the 18-105 VR lens and then lightroom.

By #6568 at 07,Jun,10 21:21
I use a little Panasonic Lumix 150 'digicam' on tripod with mirror behind to watch the composition on the screen. I use auto-focus but make sure to press button half way to focus before making each shot,...I put the cursor on the edge of my cock to make sure of focus.....

.....I do have a digital SLR camera and lenses but it is unsuitable for this as I can't see the screen and do not have a monitor to connect to for this.

By Olddude at 07,Jun,10 20:57 other posts of Olddude 
I have a Kodak Easyshare C190! I also use the auto mode! Also the close up setting! I very happy with the results!

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