| Quite some time ago I made a private chat where multiple members could participate. One member had to start a new channel and then invite others there. Obviously most of you did not understand how to use it, so I abandoned it. It still exists but most of you are not even aware of it.
However recently I got another idea which, I hope, will be much easier to grasp.
I made personal chat rooms for every member. If you do not like public chat or people who hang out there - just invite people you like into your own chat room.
It may be buggy yet and not working how it's supposed to work, but here how it's supposed to work (let me know if it does not work this way):
Normally any member can see your chat room if you did not blacklist them. In this case they won't be able to write or even read it.
If you wish - you can set it to "friends only" (just check the box, you can't miss it) - in this case only the members you added to your friends list will be able to read and write into your room.
The messages there live only 2 hours. It's not supposed to work as mail. After 2 hours all messages get deleted from the rooms.
Otherwise it works like public chat. Numerous members can enter your channel and speak whatever they want. The only difference is - you have more control over who can enter it through your black and friends lists. |