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This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by #548235 at 10,Jan,18 06:12
So i hosted a publc chat with a friend and sometimes we want to have some laughs and send funny pictures or something interesting apart from dicks and pussys. It would be a good idea to have a upload button in the group chat that way we can share any kind of pic if we dont want to have it on our profiles. If you support this idea comment! So the admin sees it!

Similar topics: 1.Naked In Public Stories   2.ADMIN- Ignore option for members public chat?   3.New feature - personal chat rooms [by admin]   4.What' about the public chat   5.Kik groupchat  

New Comment

By admin at 10,Jan,18 14:57 other posts of admin 
Image that does not show in your profile gallery is an image that you upload as "temporary".

I've added the upload button directly to the chat. Those images will be uploaded as temporary automatically. They will still be associated with the uploader anyway.

Also I have added an invite button since many of you seem to be unable to grasp a conception of sending a link to your room via private to members you wish to invite. Did not test it though so give me a holler if it does not work as it should. Doubt it will help anyway since most of you can't communicate and just sit in chat rooms waiting for someone to entertain you.
By #482237 at 10,Jan,18 18:16
i try

By #548235 at 10,Jan,18 19:25
Thanks i know most people just sit there but most of us just want to hang out and talk i know this will nake it more simple for everyone who wants to share an image quickly.

By leopoldij at 10,Jan,18 23:16 other posts of leopoldij 
THANKS for adding the pic upload button. We like you because you can tweak this site while, at the same time, keeping it simple, uncluttered and good looking.
By admin at 11,Jan,18 01:15 other posts of admin 
I literally spent more time thinking how to do it in a convenient way than actually doing it...
By leopoldij at 11,Jan,18 07:54 other posts of leopoldij 
But in the end you achieved a remarkably good result. Thanks

By #1102 at 10,Jan,18 07:00
nice idea

By SammyBW at 10,Jan,18 06:15 other posts of SammyBW 
I’d support it

By Cooper at 10,Jan,18 06:15 other posts of Cooper 
I️ fully agree with this. It would create nice friendships with people that share similar interests other than pussys and dicks.

Adult Discussion Forum