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Started by #52262 at 04,Jul,10 18:14
just wondering has many guys cock dock as i have and find it so powerful when i cum and are cocks loosen up have you got the cock head for docking??

Similar topics: 1.Docking   2.Cock docking   3.Docking   4.Cock Docking   5.Cock Docking  

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By #550094 at 14,Jul,18 22:37
Although I'm uncut, my foreskin has been permanently
retracted since my teens (I'm almost 53 now).

But I'll tell ya what:
If my foreskin were long enough to Dock,
I'd wedgie it over my face and smother myself
like a bug trapped inside a busted condom.
By #554098 at 17,Oct,18 03:53
There is a video where they use a condom, to simulate it, I guess, as neither had foreskin:

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By #554098 at 17,Oct,18 03:47
I never even knew this was a thing!! OMG, it looks like some kind of really intimate fun!! But do you orgasm together, and how do you time that, or just go with it, and one cums first, then the other?

By #484484 at 15,Oct,18 19:46
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 16,Oct,18 16:58 other posts of 3fdfd 
I would love to have that cock dock my little guy.

By german_guy at 16,Oct,18 19:09 other posts of german_guy 
that's a real nice Docking Station

By #561641 at 16,Oct,18 07:14
Happy to pull my foreskin over your helmet and cum together with any guy

By #510641 at 15,Oct,18 19:59

By jonns at 15,Oct,18 19:17 other posts of jonns 

Never have but sounds interesting

By #552168 at 20,Jul,18 05:48
Never tried! But I think I can
[deleted image]

By #562567 at 20,Jul,18 05:06
[deleted image]
Never tried it,but I wish someone would dock inside my uncut cock.I wonder what does it feels like?

By Sergius at 14,Jul,18 17:58 other posts of Sergius 
I love docking and my foreskin is made for that.

By #537175 at 14,Jul,18 10:59
yes do this with my bf , his cock is bigger and so mainly its his foreskin over head of mine

By #121361 at 14,Feb,18 20:12
New Way of Cockdocking [deleted image]
By nakedjim at 14,Jul,18 10:16 other posts of nakedjim 
Your so lucky to have a friend like this.

By #539358 at 14,Feb,18 19:55
I've tried but my foreskin is too short for my own glans let alone another guys. Each time we've had to frot our hard exposed cock heads instead.
By jazdragon61 at 15,Feb,18 22:52 other posts of jazdragon61 
I feel your pain m8 mine is tight and my hard cock pops out of it I am hopin 2 meet a guy with a really lose foreskin

By #95089 at 18,Aug,10 06:39
I have never tried it either, but as I am cut, I'd love to try once. Actually, I'm really looking forward to doing it soon! Anyone in Paris?
By #463848 at 14,Feb,18 07:23
I hope that you do have the experience sometime but I think that you would need to be the receiver from seeing your photos.
By #95089 at 14,Feb,18 19:11
For now yes. But I am restoring my foreskin and I'll only stop when I can 'host' someone

By stroker11 at 29,Sep,14 13:23 other posts of stroker11 
I would need a partner with a large loose foreskin....any takers?
By #463848 at 14,Feb,18 07:21
Just long and loose would do for me

By jocstfr at 29,Sep,14 18:21 other posts of jocstfr 
I have tried docking on several occasions and it never seemed to work. It was definitely fun trying, but each time the guys foreskin was not big enough to accommodate my cock head. I have seen video where one guys cockhead is completely inside the foreskin making two cocks look like one. Am I doing something wrong or is my cock head just too big?
By #390287 at 02,Oct,14 15:55
Probably yours it's too big or the other guy's foreskin is not stretchy enough. give it a try when the othyer guy is soft, it's a very unique feeling to want to get hard and have a cock blocking your own. it feels incredibly submissive.

By #463848 at 14,Feb,18 07:21
It might be better if you could find someone with a small, cut cock. Give him the special treat of finding what it is like with his cockhead covered with foreskin.

By #463848 at 12,Feb,18 20:53
Here is one of the best docking vids I have seen for a while and there may be some more listed below

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By #390287 at 16,Jul,13 07:40
definitely one of my favorite things to do.

By slipper at 04,Jul,10 23:21 other posts of slipper 
I don't know about having the head for docking, but I can assure you that I have the skin!
By #11252 at 04,Jul,10 23:38
you can pull your shin over my head anytime
By slipper at 05,Jul,10 20:23 other posts of slipper 
By slipper at 12,Jun,12 04:59 other posts of slipper 
I wouldn't have to stop with just the head!

By #42017 at 13,Aug,10 19:01
I reckon I have the perfect cock for docking - it's small with planty of 4skin - plenty of surrounding fat and a large scrotum. All this makes a useable vagina subsitute - good for receiving cocks. I've never tried it but would love to.
By slipper at 20,Aug,10 03:24 other posts of slipper 
I've room for ya, shrimp... ALL of you!!!

By #5594 at 12,Aug,10 07:27
I have but can't find anyone to dock with
By slipper at 16,Aug,10 17:23 other posts of slipper 
A double-dock, tricky???

By #10886 at 11,Aug,10 10:49
I would love to try!!!

[deleted image]
By slipper at 16,Aug,10 05:31 other posts of slipper 
Let ME in!!!

By #26410 at 13,Aug,10 04:35
Dockinng has to be the hottest forplay two men can do.

By #10886 at 05,Jul,10 09:56
[deleted image]

Does anyone think that mine may work???
By slipper at 11,Aug,10 01:56 other posts of slipper 
Together, we could do a great DOUBLE DOCK!!!

By #1995 at 05,Jul,10 07:23
I love to try docking but have not yet found a foreskin long enough and lose enough to completetly cover my glans. I keep looking for one so I can fill it with my cum and then make it ejaculate so I get to suck both lots of cum!!
By slipper at 05,Jul,10 20:25 other posts of slipper 
Too bad you don't have access to mine!

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