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Started by #45191 at 28,Jul,10 14:44
do you brag to get laid? does it work?

Similar topics: 1.some STR8 guys confuse me!!   2.dicks touching dicks   3.Chubby guys   4.Young dicks/Old dicks   5.I'M A BIG DICK SUCKING ANIMAL  

New Comment

By nekekal at 16,Nov,19 23:44 other posts of nekekal 
It doesn't work. Women really don't care about cock size. Very few really want to get fucked. A few of those that do like to fuck might be interested in a big cock as a novelty. Might I say.

Besides most women are sort of measurement challenged. A six inch cock will look like a monster as they think about it forcing its way into them.

So, no. Telling a woman that you have a big cock will generally not get you laid. It is better to spring it on them and hope that the sight of it will not cause them to put on her clothes and leave.

By #5532 at 28,Jul,10 15:33
From a woman's point of view. It has never worked with me. As soon as a guy gives me that line, I figure he is all about himself and figures he has something that I just have to have. My guy use to joke about his being short and skinny too and when we at last got down to business, his sense of humor became very apparent. 8.5 inches and perfect. Not saying other women feel the same, just my own thought.
By #59855 at 18,Jul,11 07:13
From Matt's Wife: Same here
By #601496 at 11,Nov,19 15:50

By deepchocolate2071 at 11,Nov,19 11:43 other posts of deepchocolate2071 
There's absolutely NO NEED to Brag!
Just be yourself and respectful of others.
By rocket1 at 11,Nov,19 12:50 other posts of rocket1 

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