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Started by #10057 at 30,Apr,09 16:53
how many orgasms have u had in one session?

Similar topics: 1.Having Orgasms Inside Your Ass   2.multiple orgasms   3.Anal orgasms   4.Your wife's/girlfriend's orgasm   5.Ruined Orgasm  

New Comment

By #7988 at 28,May,09 00:03
I'd say 8 or 9 over one day

By #10318 at 12,May,09 11:46
hi boys , i,ve had 4 orgasms in one session , and the last one made me squirt , xxxxxxx
By #5532 at 12,May,09 16:09
You are a lucky girl. The first time I squirted (it was a very small amount) I thought I had peed. Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't.
By #3997 at 12,May,09 17:19
I have never seen a girl squirt in person, a lucky guy

By #10977 at 16,May,09 16:05
Thats why alot of women don't squirt, They think that they have to pee. But its the cum instead of pee so they hold back. LET IT GO IT'S AWESOME, To see and taste.
By #3997 at 16,May,09 19:37
i would love to see it trust me and taste it

By #5532 at 01,May,09 21:15
9 or 10
By #3997 at 12,May,09 17:18
is that a solo session luvmyclit, or a sex session??

By #7976 at 04,May,09 02:51
Seven is about my maximum. It was over a six hour period and there were two ladies involved.

Adult Discussion Forum