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show us your face if you not fake

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #9985 at 04,Aug,10 21:44
too many fake photos on here, so lets see you face pics, to prove you are who your are, i've started it and even put my face on my avater?

Similar topics: 1.showing a woman's face but not your own   2.fake photos   3.WHO IS A FAKE?   4.Pics with your face   5.Skype etiquette? What it like?  

New Comment

By #690553 at 27,Sep,23 18:14
[deleted image]
By #704300 at 23,Oct,23 12:47
Very sexy, wirda

By probowler298 at 20,Oct,23 00:03 other posts of probowler298 
I am real and I show my face dick ass naked body etc. I love to pose naked.

By SluttySarah069 at 27,Sep,23 21:03 other posts of SluttySarah069 

By Bulging at 27,Sep,23 01:46 other posts of Bulging 

By yellowman at 17,Aug,23 17:55 other posts of yellowman 

By probowler298 at 17,Aug,23 16:25 other posts of probowler298 

By Louis at 21,May,23 10:02 other posts of Louis 

By jimbo111949 at 17,May,23 21:51 other posts of jimbo111949 

By probowler298 at 31,Mar,23 22:29 other posts of probowler298 
I always pose naked with face.

By #275407 at 26,Feb,23 02:29
I'm fake
By Jamie at 31,Mar,23 19:58 other posts of Jamie 
Oh your so fake.
By #275407 at 31,Mar,23 21:56

By probowler298 at 31,Mar,23 19:38 other posts of probowler298 
I am not a fake. My face is all over my profile

By MilaBoobs at 26,Feb,23 00:08 other posts of MilaBoobs 
my face is on my profile

By #688512 at 23,Feb,23 14:04
Alright then, I'll be the first one here to post my face!

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

By #2331 at 06,Nov,10 06:17
Very stupid idea to post ur face here.
But if u want to take the chance that someone
might show ur wife or Mother go ahead!!!
By #23212 at 10,Nov,10 01:35
I don't know about the traditions where you are located, but in my society, my mother and my wife most certainly already have seen my face. (And as for 'the rest of you', one hopes that your wife is 'intimately' knowledgeable about 'those parts' also )

By slipper at 07,Nov,10 04:51 other posts of slipper 
Here's my face

By #5532 at 05,Aug,10 13:52
I really do not understand this hangup about "proving" who one is. I know there are a lot of phony people here, and frankly I could not care less. One of the nice things about this site is being anonymous.
By #70814 at 05,Aug,10 15:38
Well said.
By #5532 at 06,Aug,10 04:45
By the way, you have a very nice looking cock.
By #70814 at 06,Aug,10 10:44
By #3997 at 06,Aug,10 12:44
Thats the fun part is being anonymous and showing your parts and not have to worry about anything, it turns me on showing my cock on this site, friends or whomever could be check out my cock and never know its me unless they notice something from my h ouse in the background , but seriousy its great!!!!

By #66466 at 06,Aug,10 12:07
how about meeting up in person and really see who your dealing with......sounds great to me but no way will or can i put up my face due to i would be fired and then couldnt afford the internet anymore!!!!!i would be more than happy to show you my cock in person anytime...........
By #3997 at 06,Aug,10 12:42

By #9985 at 05,Aug,10 20:51
Ok Ok OK, got your answers, some agree and some want to remain anom, which i agree with at times, some say use a note with your name on it which is good, I have now removed my face pics, will go back to being anom.

All ther best and thanks for you opinions
By #70814 at 06,Aug,10 10:45
good to see you came back to reason
stay anonymous and safe dude.

By #3997 at 06,Aug,10 04:42
No Thanks, my pics are mine and no other reason to try to prove anything else

By #81191 at 05,Aug,10 12:53
A better way is a pic with your username on a card next to your dick
By #70814 at 05,Aug,10 15:37

By #93465 at 04,Aug,10 21:59
Way to go
By #70814 at 05,Aug,10 15:37
Very stupid idea. Read below

By #81191 at 05,Aug,10 07:42
One way to spot fakes is the quality of the pics. You see some obvious variations on a page
By #70814 at 05,Aug,10 15:36
Wrong. Check out my page, some of my pics are taken with my DSLR Nikon D90 and some others with my mobile phone camera. You can tell the difference of quality of both types but both are real.

But you're right in some cases. Obvious colour and quality variations can be from fake pics. But not always.

By MoeJoe at 05,Aug,10 09:36 other posts of MoeJoe 
Crazy idea.....

By #59855 at 05,Aug,10 09:24
From Matt's Wife: That is not going to happen, no faces, maybe the sign or like we did and pics of me looking at the site

By #82616 at 05,Aug,10 08:12
Want my social security number and bank accounts too?

Adult Discussion Forum