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ever paid for sex with male or female

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Started by #93465 at 11,Aug,10 15:40
I personally have never paid for sex,temptedyes,I always wanted to be clear on my sexual partner

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By #220845 at 26,Apr,12 15:30
2times long ago blowjobs from women

By #164428 at 23,Apr,12 06:30
I've never paid. I was offered money to do gang bang and bukkake parties, but it would have been far from home, and with drunk professional guys secluded in a hotel room? And bareback? No way. I wanted to save my home, so the money was tempting (though they wanted to pay less than I suggested as a reasonable fee), but I would not risk my health, physical or emotional. Could have gotten a disease, or been raped, beaten....who knows. Still, I was flattered by the offer!
By #172995 at 23,Apr,12 07:05
Smart move! Drunks are a dangerously unpredictable threat to life and limb. Remember how rapidly that infamous Tailhook Convention spun completely out of control?

By #172995 at 23,Apr,12 02:16
An ugly woman in a bar said that I could fuck her, but I would have to pay big bucks for it. I was horny, but not that horny and I didn't want to catch a disease. Plus, I was getting laid 3 times a week at home.

By #249452 at 22,Apr,12 21:34
i once paid my friend to lick the tip of my dick for 4$ and she said yes!!!! lmaooo

By Ablaze at 05,Apr,12 23:50 other posts of Ablaze 
Nope. But nothing against if someone pay me

By #143536 at 05,Apr,12 16:02
I would if it were like the Bunny ranch or something like that.

By #5532 at 13,Aug,10 06:31
Why buy something that can be had for free?
By #143536 at 05,Apr,12 16:02
Takes the work out of it. Same reason people pay to have their cars/houses repaired when they could do it themselves. But I personally never have.

By #52093 at 05,Apr,12 15:47
I've paid for sex a few times.

By bigone21 at 04,Apr,12 17:26 other posts of bigone21 
i have paid for a message many times... the happy-ending was for free!! haha!!
By bigone21 at 05,Apr,12 15:05 other posts of bigone21 
= massage

By pifad at 12,Aug,10 03:19 other posts of pifad 
I've never paid for sex and never will

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