Started by #9323 at 10,May,09 16:18
 | This one is most embarassing to me but I hope posting it will serve as a warning to others!
I enjoy my rings and consider myself knowledgable in their use but succumbed to impatience and made a very amateur mistake.
After loading 20 1-inch diameter rings onto my shaft I left a gap of about 1" between the base of the head and the 18th ring.
After intercourse, that exposed inch had swollen to 3" in length and twice the diameter of the rings!
I was able to remove the first two.
After about an hour I realized I was in a dire position requiring immediate action!
By then it was ice-cold and very dark purple.
To make a long story short - this turned into an excruciatingly painful 5-hour ordeal requiring bolt-cutters.
As each ring was removed the swelling would force the rest tightly against each other or were there enough area between it was immediately filled by swollen flesh.
Each ring had to be cut on opposing sides and the sharp steel edges tore into swollen flesh occupying the relieved space.
The warning: "ALWAYS constrict from top to bottom if you're using steel!
I've pulled both groin muscles before and I've heard of dicks being "broken".
What's "YOUR" story? |
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She was great tho
The first time I ever had sex it was with a girl who was as inexperienced as me. We found it surprisingly difficult to make the connection but by much manouvering we did eventually get joined. However, I now found that I was bent up against the headboard of the bed and all movement was completely impossible! On the second time with the same girl, she suddenly started to make little cries and squeals while panting quickly. I new more or less nothing about lovemaking at the time but new enough to think she was beginning to get very excited although I could not work out why! Eventually, she managed to snarl between gritted teeth that I had my elbow on her knuckles.....
I was about 16 at the time and was always half way to an erection. I felt my cock growing to its best and just started to scratch the glans with my finger nail. It was lying across the inside of my thigh and very available.
I think that when you find yourself in that sort of situation, the feelings are magnified and they are attended by the desire to get your cock out into the open.
That wasn't possible so I just carried scratching away. Well the pleasure from that soon started to magnify and I had to make the decision of whether to stop or just do it until I spunked. I couldn't resist the last option and so I shot a load inside my pants and then I was left with the consequences.