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People who show their faces in their pics!

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #54774 at 11,Oct,10 21:59
To the people who choose to expose their face in some of their pictures. Do you tell anyone that you come on here or have you ever been found out? Or do you just take a chance on the basis that it is unlikely anyone will ever recognise you?

Similar topics: 1.showing a woman's face but not your own   2.Being had after showing your face!   3.Why don't men show thier faces on this site?   4.Smiley faces on profile pages   5.faces  

New Comment

By Walker at 20,Oct,10 22:19 other posts of Walker 
I only modify, show my cock or cum on pics people send me to do that to so I don't care Cum on my face ad post it so I do have fun doing that.

My rule is never show your face or recognizable location or property. You have to protect yourself. Too many rascals out there.

By soulpioneer at 12,Oct,10 09:06 other posts of soulpioneer 
I have a few shots with half my face showing, so its subtle and incognito enough to be 'careful'. I only share about the site with other guys who like cock, so no worries for the most part. Full on face shot is more risky, but I imagine some dont care, or not worried about it.

By slipper at 12,Oct,10 05:36 other posts of slipper 
...or just don't care?

Adult Discussion Forum