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Started by #13848 at 22,May,09 22:10
dam this sux, i thought my goob was ok, but no one likes it, im so fucked up know, i got SOME women liken it but no one on here likes it, i guess it is really ugly and small!!

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New Comment

By #303133 at 26,May,13 22:41
Guess I'll go eat worms...
By bella! at 26,May,13 23:00 other posts of bella! 
Frick! YOU remember everything!

Nobody likes me,
Everybody h8tes me,
I'm gonna eat some worms!
Fat ones, skinny ones,
Ushy, gushy, gushy ones,
Ones that wiggle and squirm!
Bite their heads off,
Suck their juices,
Throw their skin away.
Nobody knows how girls can live on worms three times a day!
By #201583 at 26,May,13 23:10
You guys beat me to it. I started singing before I even clicked on the header.
By bella! at 26,May,13 23:23 other posts of bella! 
Oh my gosh, I can't believe that Will's response would make me remember that silly song from 100 years ago! Too funny!

By #371104 at 26,May,13 21:49
Thanks Bella. Got it he's suddenly found out what a goob was, a doofus a nerd ,and didn't know how to delete the comment so high tailed it (funny little vid on that Google search too)
By bella! at 26,May,13 22:53 other posts of bella! 
You're welcome!

By #122997 at 26,May,13 20:20
Does anyone like my Goob??? If yes please tell me where my Goob is!!!
By bella! at 26,May,13 20:30 other posts of bella! 
dazzla, you have a gorgeous goob! And as for telling you where to find your goob, well, check under your desk at work!

By bella! at 26,May,13 17:39 other posts of bella! 
No one "liken-ed" #13848's goob and now #13848 is gone. Dam this suxs...... I will never know what a goob is.
By Ray10754 at 26,May,13 17:47 other posts of Ray10754 
Im thinking he was refering to his Knob?? (Peins head)
Maby he went to a better goob site!

By #371104 at 26,May,13 19:53
My dear, a goob is like a boob' but long and thin with a dingaling on the end . A bit like a push me pull you
By bella! at 26,May,13 20:26 other posts of bella! 
Thank you Ray and poolboy. Gee poolboy, you say a goob is boob-esque......long and thin with a dingaling on the end? Admittedly, in the context of the statement/sentence, I kinda figured that the guy was referring to his dick but sparked by your response, I Googled the word. You might be interested in knowing that the word goob is found in the urban dictionary and it is an equivalent to the word "dork". Most likely a shortened version of goober aka "skippy".

By #9210 at 23,May,09 10:15
If you are that bothered, don't post the pictures of it. When you post, you can get good and bad opinion, be ready for either.

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