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This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #9210 at 23,May,09 10:12
Instead of us having to individually message ADMIN for answers to our somewhat inane questions, would we be better off having a Rules or FAQ page to reference on the SYD / SYC site. Rules can be a pain but sometimes necessary to avoid ingnorance and anarchy. A simple code of practice or values even?

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New Comment

By #10886 at 31,May,09 11:57
How bout a "contact admin" button?
By #9210 at 31,May,09 15:23
Good suggestion

By #8288 at 01,Jun,09 08:55
-- On the main page, click on "Members".
-- From there, you will see a "search" box.
-- Type in "Admin", and hit the "Search" button.
-- "Admin" will display.
-- Click on it and you can then decide to send him a PM. He says he does not check his "page" very often, so it is best to send him a PM so at least he will "know" there is a message for him. He's quite busy so he may not get to it immediately or answer back to you directly.

You can also add him as a "friend" and then it will be easier to contact him the next time.
By #9210 at 02,Jun,09 05:55
Good advice thanks topspy. I imagine though, that many of the questions that Admin gets asked are very repetative, therefore an FAQ page might be more helpful to patrons and Admin.

By #1501 at 23,May,09 21:35
FAQs would be good... and porn downloads should be banned.
By #9210 at 23,May,09 23:39

Adult Discussion Forum