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Hypocrisy in censorship rules

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Started by #89828 at 03,Dec,11 19:28
I found this to be very amusing:

Under the site's new censorship rules, I can say that memberso-and-so is a shit encrusted douche bag (which would be an offensive remark), but I can't say that I **** (h a t e) clam chowder (which would only be offensive to clams)! How fucked up is that?

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By #14216 at 06,Dec,11 06:55
Censors, both official and unofficial, are sad pathetic control freaks whose lives (and particularly their sex lives) must be so empty and boring they can't stand seeing other people happy and enjoying themselves. Years ago in the UK there was an insidious organisation calling themselves the Festival of Light (a.k.a. the Mary Whitehouse Brigade), mostly blue-rinsed middle-aged and elderly Conservative women with time on their hands and this gave them a bit of excitement and got them away from the ironing and their W.I. jam making sessions. They were so blinkered they didn't realise that in everything they wanted banned, they were in fact acting as publicity agents. When an Andy Warhol t.v. show had a scene with a woman daubing her naked breasts in paint and painting a canvass with them, the Festival of Light was apoplectic, went to court, some old judges (who were probably rock hard in their robes under the bench) allowed it to be shown and when it was it went straight to the top of the t.v. ratings which it wouldn't have done if only Mary Whitehouse and her ilk had kept their ignorant mouths shut. When the film "The Devils" directed by the recently deceased Ken Russell was in the cinemas, the Whitehouse woman was again on t.v. stating that one of the Festival of Light's "most honourable members" had to **** themselves to go and see it (I bet they did) and then tell everyone else we shouldn't as it was "corrupting". Funny how these people can watch these things without becoming corrupted but seem to think the rest of us will. Similarly when stage shows featuring full frontal nudity of both sexes like "Hair!", "Oh! Calcutta" and "The Dirtiest Show In Town" hit the theatres, they were sell-outs because of all the fuss made about the nude scenes, more enlightened people flocked to see them. Of course, **** need to have a childhood and be "protected" - if that is the right word - from viewing such material but censors always use **** as a shield for their bigotry and, in any case, its down to the parents to "censor" what their **** can or can't see but once people reach adulthood, what they do and watch and provided it is not harming anyone else and is consenting and mutual e.g. adult group sex, then that is their right and no business of anybody else's. I rest my case.
By #14216 at 06,Dec,11 06:57
Even some of my words have been censored here. Pathetic
By #14216 at 06,Dec,11 07:00
What I saod was that the "honourable" member of the Festival of Light had to F-O-R-C-E themselves to go and see it and you can guess what perfectly innocent other word has got the chop.
By #89828 at 06,Dec,11 17:39
The word **** (C H I L D) gets censored for obvious reasons. It is a well known fact (which I just made up on the spot) that anyone who would dare to look at, or, gawd forbid, post pictures on, a site of this nature merely has to see the word ****, and their first thought is: "That's what my life has been missing--a little bit of pedophilia!" Many latent molesters never act on their horrible urges until they see the word **** in print. The words tyke, toddler, infant, baby and youngster, however, do not seem to have the same effect...
By admin at 06,Dec,11 19:54 other posts of admin 
Actually they see that word very often. In newspapers. It's all over them nowadays. I personally think a modern press made the biggest promotion of pedophilia in history.

By MoeJoe at 06,Dec,11 12:46 other posts of MoeJoe 
Another odd thing about the ' **** ' in place of certain words....I made a comment in a recent thread that had to do with ignorance, bigotry and the like and I said that if people raised their **** differently then maybe we wouldn't have so much of that kind of thinking.....any intelligent human will know when reading my comment what I was talking about, so why waste time with ' **** 's

By admin at 05,Dec,11 14:23 other posts of admin 
In which world do you think you are living? 80es are over long ago. Let me give you a reality check, 2 fresh examples:

only registered users can see external links - 9 y.o. boy suspended from school for a week because he "sexually harassed" his teacher saying "she's cute" in a conversation not with her, but with another boy. Wait a bit more, and you will not be able to speak at all.

only registered users can see external links - Christian worker loses her job after being harassed by islamic extremists who work at the same place which is... surprise surprise - an airport. Not speaking about perverted sense of "tolerance", anti-terrorism well done!
By #89828 at 05,Dec,11 17:38
Admin- I did not intend my post to be an attack on you, as I realize that you are as much a victim of this silliness as we are. You are correct, the world is a dark and cruel place (It always has been), and stupid people do and say horrible things to each other (Again, this has ALWAYS been true. Living in the age of the internet, we just have ready access to more examples of man's inhumanity to man). Trying to edit what people say/write/hear/read, though, is not going to change that one single bit. Folks will still think/feel whatever they so choose, and stupid people will continue to do horrible things to each other based upon these idiotic thoughts and feelings. Censorship does not actually solve the merely hides it. but that was not the intent behind my initial post. I was actually commenting on how silly and arbitrary censorship rules can be!

Under the program here, for example, I can say:

MIDGETS are a vile and hideous lot. They are an abomination and a pox upon the face of the Earth. Their parents should have done the decent thing, and smothered the malformed creatures at birth, rather than allow them to waddle about in public where normal people will be forced to gaze upon their horrific, misshapen faces. All midgets should be strung up by their abnormal, shriveled cocks and whacked about the face and gourd-like head, until cascades of candy and trinkets burst forth. The carcass should then be roasted and fed to rabid squirrels, and the ashes pissed upon for good measure. I loathe, revile and abhor every last one of these despicable monsters. I just can't say that I **** them know...that might offend someone.

See how silly that is?

(For the record, I actually have no problem at all with little people and only used them as an example. I wish all midgets a long and happy life! CLOWNS, on the other hand, are a different story. Repulsive creatures, clowns...)
By admin at 06,Dec,11 01:50 other posts of admin 
I do not make the rules I only have to obey them. Tell this to your parliament representative or whoever is responsible for such things.

By #23212 at 04,Dec,11 08:56
Do you mean that you actually thought that you can find censorship without hypocrisy? Where?

By slipper at 03,Dec,11 19:51 other posts of slipper 

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