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Penis pumps

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Started by #84761 at 18,Oct,10 20:01
I see a lot of pix with guys using pumps and some of their cocks are grossly distorted. Has anyone had any real-life experience with pumps (good or bad)? Do they give any permanent size improvements?

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By fila1305 at 09,Jul,11 08:00 other posts of fila1305 
I'm not an expert on this, but I don't think there is any way of permanent size improvement with things like this.

For as far I heard there are only two ways (But I'm not sure about the first. Maybe other members can clarify?):

Either by loosing weight, or more precise the fat stored around the cock's base to give it more room to come out.
Or by surgery.

By sailor at 18,Oct,10 21:50 other posts of sailor 
Hello, I am using a pump now with the hopes that if i ever get an erection again it will be just as big as before. Had a prostatectomy a year ago. I think it did me in. The dr said to use this. So I am . It feels good to get hard. But it does not last for me. I t may be a combo of age and operation.

To answer your question, I think it may increase your girth- a little, don't think it help the length. Is if does it won't be much. That is just what I see ut it looked so unnatural, like you said, I decided to delete them.
I would not spend the money in hopes of increasing your size.

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