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Started by #14182 at 26,May,09 11:22
The best sex my wife and I had was when we were making our babies. Sex with my wife has always been great but it seems the act of planting my seed is highly erotic. Anybody else find this to be true?

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New Comment

By dgraff at 31,Aug,19 01:02 other posts of dgraff 
Hahaha bend over in front of me and I will be sure to give you an ass hole baby and with my long arms I just might give you a reach around
By Gntlmn at 16,Sep,19 02:49 other posts of Gntlmn 

By #599768 at 15,Sep,19 19:38
With the women I married, now divorced. Fucking to make babies was as hot as it could be.

The first we made love everyday. To have a girl. First was a girl. Cannot pin point that moment.
The next attempt was for a boy. She was checking what was coming out of her pussy. When the fluid was of certain consisteny.

We the place and time.

Sex after was so hot. Her firm milk fill boods liked milk all the time. And I got to drink as much as I wanted.

By #595788 at 30,Aug,19 19:31
I’m pretty sure which fuck resulted in my son from the timing. My wife and I were staying at her parents for the weekend. We were in separate parallel single beds. I woke up with a morning wood and felt really horny. I waited till she woke in the bed next to me. Then I moved naked into her bed with her. We had a cuddle and a romp. Then I pulled up her nightie. Laying on her back she spread her legs. I got on top of her and slid my dick in. I had a good shag then filled her. Just over nine months later out he came. I didn’t fuck my wife many times in her parents house so it sticks in my mind.

By #518391 at 30,Aug,19 06:42
I can't remember which fucks made our babies, but they were all good...and we fucked up until a day before the babies were born...

By WHATSUPDOC at 30,Aug,19 04:14 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
I have a child well now an adult, it was like every other fuck. Now I fantasize about one of my favorite cocks to jerk off to. I keep yelling fuck me harder,harder, fuck my mouth harder. Shoot it baby. Blow your load in my mouth and make me pregnant. I want to have your baby. Cum in me. Well let me tell you is got pretty excited about it.

By #6568 at 26,May,09 12:11
Well I have never done it as sadly I don't have any kids,...however, I have always loved the fantasy and idea of using my virility and manhood to 'make a baby'. This has been th esource of several of my better fantasies over the years.

I am currently re-writing an erotic story to add to my topic 'Anyone write erotica', so watch that space!
By #6568 at 26,May,09 22:27
Have a look at my story in the erotica topic.....
By #8288 at 28,May,09 12:12
Link to **oldbugle**'s "erotica" thread:

By #6568 at 28,May,09 12:32
Thanks for the link!...for some reason it never occured to me to make a link from here.....duh!!

By #7976 at 26,May,09 23:11
It used to be a turn on to know that when I came in a woman it could end in a life. Fortunately, I never had kids with my lovers but had to with my wife. Now, I have a Vasectomy and it's hard to fantasize that I can still have kids knowing the truth but it sure makes having sex less fretful.

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