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How Far Would You Go?

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Started by GaryMPLS72 at 15,Nov,10 08:05  other posts of GaryMPLS72
Have You Ever Traveled Across The World Just To Have a Fling?

New Comment

By #149019 at 12,Aug,16 04:39
No [deleted image]

By #460385 at 10,Aug,16 01:17
Fuck no. WTF would you need to travel for sex.
By _avg_ at 11,Aug,16 03:59 other posts of _avg_ 
Because traveling is fun? Because sexy-time makes the trip all that much better? Because a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush? Because love knows no distance??

I mean, if the offer's on the table and it's not too much of a hassle, why NOT travel??
By #496816 at 11,Aug,16 11:56
Well, it does imply a certain amount of desperation...
By _avg_ at 12,Aug,16 03:54 other posts of _avg_ 
Desperation is compromising your beliefs or values for the mere sake of checking off the "had sex" box. Desperation is settling for whatever partner you can find within a range that's 'convenient' (or at least not overly burdensome).

And shit, if it's not working for you where you is, there's no fault in changing strategy...

By leopoldij at 10,Aug,16 00:02 other posts of leopoldij 
The maximum I've traveled for this purpose was about 5000 miles.

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