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Started by #104773 at 19,Nov,10 13:00
How many straight guys on here like to wear panties

Similar topics: 1.Panties   2.wearing panties   3.Jacking off in panties.   4.sniffing panties   5.Guys wearing girly panties  

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By botanic at 28,Oct,16 23:13 other posts of botanic 
I do occasionally though havent for years now .

By #519017 at 28,Oct,16 22:24
Here I am wearing women's red lacy panties.

By #6437 at 28,Jan,14 14:02
i wear panties 24-7 dont have any male undeerware. wife approves

By #23904 at 26,Jan,14 15:56
I'd say there are a lot of us

By #201155 at 08,Jan,14 18:47
I love wearing ladies' panties. In fact, I hardly have any male underwear at all these days. Most of all, though, I like pulling my panties off. Or having someone else do it for me, of course

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By #421761 at 08,Jan,14 16:03
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wear panties is great

By #402380 at 12,Jul,13 04:41
love buying and wearing panties
By #140620 at 08,Jan,14 03:22
and you look so sexy in it

By #136638 at 01,Feb,11 18:04
I love wearing panties. They feel so good rubbing all up on my hard pole. I started wearing panties when I was growing up. I would steal my mom's panties. They felt great. I then had to get my fix, so I started to steal panties off clotheslines. Now, that was a rush. As I've gotten older, I've gotten braver on my panty-wearing journeys. I buy my own panties when I go to department stores. The best place I found to get panties is at Goodwill or Salvation Army. Just the thought of some girl getting off in the pair I just bought out of the second-hand bin gets my pole twitching. I wear panties everyday, and if I can lift a pair from a friend or stranger without being caught, believe me, I wouldn't hesitate a second. My wife loves seeing me in panties and we wear panties together all the time, things are just funner while wearing panties. I estimate that I have about three hundred pairs so far. For all you guys out there that like to wear women's panties, more power to you. My motto to my wife is, "You buy them. I'll try them.? Check out my profile for more about us.

By Walker at 02,Dec,10 20:10 other posts of Walker 
I enjoy wearing my dirty girls panties. Makes my horny

By #107983 at 22,Nov,10 00:50
I wear 24/7 only ,,,,,,got YFronts for visits to the quacks

By #88663 at 21,Nov,10 14:17
I enjoy them as well!
By freakyfrenchie at 21,Nov,10 15:35 other posts of freakyfrenchie 
I love to wear them, stockings too, see my gallery and tell me what you think...

By 450 at 21,Nov,10 05:04 other posts of 450 

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