Your nipples look like they are begging to be sucked.
By #485312 at 14,Oct,15 21:45
They are, love a good long suckling any day *lix *
By #497672 at 17,Oct,15 13:33
By #485312 at 19,Oct,15 08:38
Perfect is when theres a set of hot lips wrapped around them and my pussy is dripping wet from a good hard suck on them *lix *
By #497672 at 20,Oct,15 08:49
It's nice to hear you enjoy your beautiful succulent puffy nipples, lipsipsuckit. They are outstanding in more ways than one. Not all women like their nipples sucked: my wife doesn't, but she makes up for that in lots of ways.
By #485312 at 20,Oct,15 21:02
l love it, can come just from having them sucked and devoured..makes my pussy soaking wet and they tingle if they don't get any attention *lix*
By #497672 at 21,Oct,15 08:51
Lucky you and lucky for your partners too. You both get fun
By #485312 at 21,Oct,15 09:02
I think lm super lucky when theyre pumped and sucked *lix *
By #497672 at 21,Oct,15 16:05
You certainly are, and we are lucky to be able to admire them, even if we can't experience them.
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more nipples for you sexy booby boyz *lix*