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Turn Wife Into A Slut...Advice Needed

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Started by #125034 at 17,Dec,10 23:01
In short, I wish to turn my goodie two shoes Ms. into a raging slut. Any advice on how to get her started?

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By Sir-Skittles at 03,May,22 21:31 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Was it Mila ??

By knewbi at 25,Apr,22 16:24 other posts of knewbi 
Depends on how you want to do this. Are you wanting to turn her into a raging slut for your personal use or a raging slut for anyone's use? If she isn't a slut for you personally it might be very difficult to turn her. Been there and had a tough time with it. Now if she is a slut for you personally you might have a decent chance at getting her to accept other guys working her over. My present wife was as slutty as I wanted at home. Getting her into the swing scene was actually quite easy as her sluttiness had her fantasies including other guys and gals having sex with her so she was all for it and was hoping that I would suggest it to her. Good luck...

By nekekal at 24,Apr,22 00:44 other posts of nekekal 
i could never convince my wife to let me fuck her.

By #610414 at 21,Apr,22 12:48
Yes, first you have to become a male whore. Come on. Pull them down, bend over and open it up

By #125555 at 20,Dec,10 04:21
I would have asked how do you release the slut in my wife, all women are, just as men might be cocksucker, depends on the stimulus.
By #59855 at 20,Dec,10 07:38
From Matt's Wife: I disagree, all women are not sluts or it would be much easier for some of you guys to get laid. And all men are not cocksuckers just to big of a generalization

By #5532 at 19,Dec,10 14:26
I do not believe that you can magically "turn her into a slut". She either has that sexuality or she does not. Five years ago had you asked me if I would be posting pictures of myself in any erotic manner, I would have told you that you need to go to the funny farm. Had you told me that I would discover that I am bi, or that I would enjoy dildos, or multiple partners, same - same. My guy, never being pushy, helped me to discover the sexuality that was already there, and I have certainly let that blossom nicely. It requires patience, truthful discussions at the right times, and an attitude of "let's try this, and if you do not like it, we'll not speak of it again."
By #59855 at 19,Dec,10 22:28
From Matt's Wife: Yes but you are no slut

By #7976 at 18,Dec,10 00:44
Don't... unless you want to destroy your marriage. Even if you could, which I sincerely doubt is possible or even desirable, changing a woman's underlying sexuality is risky on any number of levels. First, you could so offend her by even trying that it blows up in your face and you'll loose her respect. Second,, if she agrees to try swinging, it can go either one of two ways; she'll end up getting lots of cock and you'll end up feeling left out or, she'll decide that you're a dog and leave you for having made her become a slut. Not good for either of you in the long run.

If you've discussed having sex outside of your marriage and she's willing to give it a try, then you may have a shot at exploring new sexual horizons. However, virtually every couple I have known where one was the driver to have extended partner sex and the other was either an unwilling or semi-willing participant, it always ends up badly with one partner or another being left out and with hurt feelings.

If she's willing to chat with some of the married women on this site who are more sexually open and willing to discuss their experiences, good and/or bad, she may, or may not, decide to give it a try. Otherwise, proceed carefully down this path as it can be a very dangerous one for the future of your relationship.

By berty35 at 17,Dec,10 23:41 other posts of berty35 
Share the same need as whiteknight and Wynnejones advice of alcohol and anal gud advice, but out of the ? wif my Mrs any other suggestions

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