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how often do you masterbate?

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Started by #111808 at 10,Jan,11 06:48
how often do you masterbate?

Similar topics: 1.masterbation   2.Where do you masterbate?   3.Wanking   4.Baby oil jackin   5.Foreskin Permanent Retraction Advice and Tips  

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By #447598 at 14,Feb,14 10:00
Maaaaybe once or twice a week.

By #358797 at 13,Feb,14 21:49
Almost daily. Nowhere near as often as I used to. Lol.
By #143536 at 14,Feb,14 00:40
Same here

By Odin_york_pa at 13,Feb,14 21:06 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
every few days for me. I could do it every day but the orgasms are not nearly as intense nor is the about expelled. I find at least every other is best.

By #136427 at 13,Feb,14 21:04
Whenever the wife doesnt sit on my dick...

By #289712 at 13,Feb,14 14:06
Everyday, sometimes twice. Occasionally I'll miss a day, but rarely. I simply love masturbating. Better than sex most of the time. When I get naked, find some good porn, and get busy, I know just how to get it there. Always a great orgasm, my penis head exploding a good load of cum. Im gonna start stroking it shortly!

By staudacher at 10,Feb,14 18:55 other posts of staudacher 
2-4 times per day, some times more

By #181785 at 13,Sep,11 05:50
every day

By #119469 at 12,Sep,11 13:00
me once a day.

By #190275 at 05,Sep,11 22:03
about 4 to 7 times a week

By #33070 at 08,Jun,11 15:28
2 too 5 times a day

By slipper at 05,Jun,11 05:48 other posts of slipper 
It totally depends on cir-cum-stances. Occasionally, I may go a day or two without (rarely), but otherwise once to three or more times per day. Probably I'm tided over the best (longest) after my wife does her fantastic HJ/BJ combo, for some reason. This seldom takes less than an hour from start to finish and leaves me satisfied in a way nothing else does--YUMMM (in the morning FOR SURE).

By rkf at 04,Jun,11 16:14 other posts of rkf 
3 times a day

By matureman at 18,Apr,11 18:03 other posts of matureman 
every days in morning for me

By #46165 at 17,Apr,11 22:52
daily, sometimes more

By #35446 at 17,Apr,11 21:08
almost everyday, or at least 4 times a week

By #150240 at 17,Apr,11 19:08
2 to 4 times a day and I'm masturbating right now

By #64328 at 17,Apr,11 18:05
7 to 9 times a week....Somedays none and other days 3 times.

By #22821 at 12,Jan,11 10:38
Every morning or there about's. Or like right now.

By Walker at 11,Jan,11 22:53 other posts of Walker 
It depends on how early I wake up, it there is time I wank my cock and in the evenings if I am left alone, so twice a day maybe. but sometimes not at all

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