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Started by #28222 at 25,Sep,09 09:33
anyone know of any good ways to masterbate?

Similar topics: 1.Anal masterbation   2.Masterbation!!!   3.How can i make masterbation more fun?   4.Happy Masterbation Month   5.Vicks for masterbation  

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By #621517 at 07,Oct,20 22:40
Get private. Get naked. Get into a position that sticks your cock out. Take your time getting rock hard erect. Tug and stroke rhythmically full length. Hold back as you rise. Then let yourself go! Works for me!

By leopoldij at 07,Oct,20 21:56 other posts of leopoldij 
Find a helping hand
[deleted image]

By sivad666 at 03,Oct,20 20:22 other posts of sivad666 
Yeah.....spend more time on learning how to spell

By #1102 at 03,Oct,20 10:13
home made fuck hole

By onthelose at 01,Oct,20 22:54 other posts of onthelose 
I bought a pocket pussy. I am not that big but it was pretty tight. It took some practice to keep from Cumming in a few minutes and as for keep going after I cum. Man I just about lose my mind I am so sensitive. Well I was but not quite as bad now that I have gotten some practice. Don't get to use it as much as I would like, no private moments now that we are both retired. By the way anyone have or get to use one of those real dolls? Was it any good?

By onthelose at 01,Oct,20 22:53 other posts of onthelose 
I bought a pocket pussy. I am not that big but it was pretty tight. It took some practice to keep from Cumming in a few minutes and as for keep going after I cum. Man I just about lose my mind I am so sensitive. Well I was but not quite as bad now that I have gotten some practice. Don't get to use it as much as I would like, no private moments now that we are both retired.

By LGA6969 at 01,Oct,20 20:41 other posts of LGA6969 
I like using a flesh lite placing it between my mattress and box spring , nake totally naked kneel up to it and fuck the living shit out of it til I cum like never before

By nekekal at 01,Oct,20 20:15 other posts of nekekal 
There are no bad ways to masturbate. The best ways involve someone helping you.

As long as it results in cum coming out of your cock. It was good.

By leopoldij at 30,Sep,20 01:13 other posts of leopoldij 
You got to master the technique first!

By duncanidaho at 27,Apr,13 22:42 other posts of duncanidaho 

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