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Shaved or not shaved

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Started by #74665 at 19,Jan,11 04:01
Do you prefer shaved or not shaved? I personally prefer slightly trimmed, please give your response and post some pictures here and discuss.

Similar topics: 1.Shave or Not Shaved   2.Shaved or unshaved   3.shaved r unshaved   4.Shaved, un shaved Dick?   5.Shaved cock  

New Comment

By #556329 at 05,May,18 15:39
Felt Inspired This Morning

[deleted image]
By #715776 at 20,May,24 02:15

By joergh at 19,May,24 20:22 other posts of joergh 

By casado at 16,May,24 15:17 other posts of casado 

--------------------------------------- added after 18 seconds

sempre depilado.

By pussyman at 02,May,18 06:27 other posts of pussyman 
Absolutely shaved. A mouthful of pubes isn't pleasant.
By Tiny_Cock at 13,May,24 18:25 other posts of Tiny_Cock 
Absolutely love your pictures and would definitely like to be on my knees worshipping your beautifully shaved cock.

By Tiny_Cock at 13,May,24 18:23 other posts of Tiny_Cock 
I definitely get very excited by a shaved cock! I also really like men who are completely shaved. I typically shave completely from the neck down, or I will keep everything very well trimmed.

For decades I have loved shaved women as well and still do, however over the last few years I have started to really enjoy seeing very hairy women. I attribute it to the fact that most women on porn sites or dating sites are shaved and the idea of a very hairy female is something old that is now new again. :-)

There is something so hot, clean and hygienic about sucking, and licking a shaved cock and ball sac to completion. That would be my preference.

By #590925 at 11,Aug,19 23:30
I prefer shaved anytime.

By Supersexy69 at 25,Jul,19 10:05 other posts of Supersexy69 
Shaved only at least the pubs, and littl hair else where!!

By #518391 at 29,May,19 06:52
I prefer the bushy look
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By #583549 at 27,May,19 11:03
I stay shaved smooth all the time.I love a smooth shaven pussy too!

By Darthshame at 09,May,18 05:21 other posts of Darthshame 
Shaved. Just feels cleaner.

By #522791 at 08,May,18 22:24
Doesn't matter to me

By #556329 at 05,May,18 03:35
I usually just keep things Neatly Trimmed. Although I was thinking of doing a Clean Shave before beach season, so I'll post a picture if that happens

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By #556002 at 02,May,18 05:22
Personally, I enjoy the penis and vagina to be smooth. If you have hair, keep it short!

By #555903 at 29,Apr,18 21:07
I keep it shaved all the time

By #543717 at 16,Apr,18 01:27
Shaved, because my BFs and my Godson prefer it that way, but I donґt mind having pubes either. Always keeping my balls smooth, though:

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By #513813 at 14,Feb,18 22:57
I love my shaved bald cock

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By #424469 at 03,May,14 04:17
am all for shaved [deleted image]

By #206678 at 02,May,14 22:38
Mutual shaving has become part of ritual foreplay for us. Very erotic and a lot of fun to shave each other before the main course

By 170cal at 29,Apr,14 03:03 other posts of 170cal 
I trim myself and I like a trimmed pussy too

By #316255 at 13,Mar,13 02:09
Shaved. I floss with tooth floss not pubic hair
By CreativeOne at 13,Mar,13 03:48 other posts of CreativeOne 
Wow ... very well said "Emm" ! I am shaved too and really enjoy the way it looks and feels !

By hipster at 09,Mar,11 20:27 other posts of hipster 

By yellowman at 07,Mar,11 22:45 other posts of yellowman 
Shaved, definitely preferred

By #143894 at 04,Mar,11 07:37
Shaved all the time!

By kalebi at 31,Jan,11 17:52 other posts of kalebi 
shaved all over!!!

By #44980 at 27,Jan,11 01:02
Shaved from butthole to bellybutton, no stopping to spit pubies.

By #54774 at 26,Jan,11 02:33
Love it shaved hairless. And get turned on the most by hairless cocks too. Occasionally I leave a little patch of hair above.

By #30090 at 26,Jan,11 02:26

By Ray10754 at 24,Jan,11 01:09 other posts of Ray10754 
Most definatly shaved for me

By sivad666 at 23,Jan,11 17:33 other posts of sivad666 
Shaved! No question

By Stiffcock47 at 19,Jan,11 18:18 other posts of Stiffcock47 
I like shaved (Cock and pussy)

By spermkiss at 19,Jan,11 06:43 other posts of spermkiss 
Hairless below the neck. Beards are really hot. Having said that, however, if a guy has thick, dark hair and if his hair grows out in an attractive pattern, I can be really turned on by a guy with hair any place and every place excep sholders and back.

Adult Discussion Forum