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Full Grown

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Started by #119027 at 26,Jan,11 21:26
When is a guys cock full grown? Can a Guy's cock grow when he is 30? Or is it as large as it is going to get?

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By spermkiss at 13,Feb,11 04:43 other posts of spermkiss 
Once a guy has gone thru puberty he's pretty much got all he's going to get. His dick might grow a little more 'til his late teens, but if it does it won't be much. And once he reaches thirty it starts to get smaller. Not very much right away, but once he reaches his fifties the loss in length can be noticeable. I've lost about half to three quarters of an inch between my twenties and my late sixties. My dick used to be about fourteen inches long and now I'm down to just over thirteen and a quarter.

By fila1305 at 12,Feb,11 10:40 other posts of fila1305 
It's seldom that the cock grows after the age of 17, so with adults it's what you see is what you get. If you look while it stands at attention.

But to follow foreskin4ever: It's not the size that matters, it's what you can do with it. Hope you'll find a good trained friend in the future. Looking at your pics you certainly deserve it.

By #7976 at 10,Feb,11 23:44
I'm a healthy 59 and my cock grows daily. It stretches to it's length and feels ready to burst. Therefore, I presume that a man's cock can grow as long as he can keep it erect. At least it's well exercised as any good muscular structure should be.

By Walker at 27,Jan,11 20:43 other posts of Walker 
My cock was twice the size of my young buddies from an early age I knew my cock was above average. Years later in trust me competitions or truth or dare the girls always wanted to see my erect cock. My cock was my current size at about 12. So if he hasn't grown over 4 inches by 30 it isn't getting any bigger.

Go find yourself a nice guy with a cock around 6 inches (which is normal and average) and you will be satisfied.

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